Chapter 1: Starting as Enemies

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Elsa POV:
  "Hey..hey..hey...get up..get up..get-"
  "Alright Anna I'm Up!" I pretty much had to after how much she was bugging me.
  "Okay..okay," Anna answered as she started to get off of me, "Just so you know...your motorcycle came in, Peeta is getting ready,(IT'S PETER PAN BUT I SPELLED IT FROM LIKE THE HUNGER GAMES.), oh and Brandon and Aladdin are waiting for u two downstairs." Then finally she left. Oh god sometimes I could-wait a minute were are my manners. Hi! I'm Asle Winters but my friends call me Elsa, I am starting my Senior year I high school even though I should be starting freshman year. Yeah my best friends Merida, Brandon and Aladdin are also supposed to be freshmen but we skipped and are now in senior along with my two older siblings Anna and Peeta.(WHAT!ANNA IS OLDER NOW!) I am in a band called Phoenixes with Brandon,Aladdin, and Peeta. Okay now I just finished taking a shower. Now to get ready. I wore jeans a blue t-shirt my dads old hoodie and my moms ring. I miss them. Did I mention they died. Anyways I put on high tops and went downstairs.
  "OMG Elsa!!!" Anna started yelling like crazy, "You look like a TomBoy." The boys gave Anna a look like 'she-always-wears-cloths-like-that' and then I said "I always dress like this." She looked at me with a lot of disappointment. Then she said, "Elsa you have a wonderful sense of fashion but you stopped using it since um well the incident." My eyes widen while the boys' jaws dropped. But like the idiot she is she continued. "I mean you have to stop living in the past and look at the now and the future." I swear I was gonna hurt her so bad. "Anna I-" couldn't finish because she interrupted like always. "No Elsa you have to go out again forget the stupid incident!" "You know what Anna," I have had enough, "if I don't remember the past how will I prevent it from happening in the future. And you have no right to tell me to forget it because you don't know how what happened to me felt. I still have nightmares and wake up screaming because of it. Oh and the both of us know that if it had happened to you then you would not be saying that right now!" Anna stared at me in shock. Peeta wanted to say something but kept
his mouth shut. Brandon and Aladdin knew very well about the incident but they also knew very well not to talk about it. So they just stayed. "You know I am not hungry anymore I will see you guys at school. I grabbed my stuff and was about to leave when Brandon grabbed my hand and said the he and Aladdin would come with me I smile and went outside I followed them to school because I wasn't wearing my glasses so I "couldn't" see. When we were about to park when three idiots almost ran over us. Mainly me! I got really mad.
  "Hey watch it morons!!"I yelled to the three idiots. Then three figures came out ugh of course they were all were boys.
  "You should watch it you idiots!" The driver yelled.
  "Oh shut it!" I was getting mad and so was the driver he came up to me probably with the intention of hitting me but once he took of the helmet all three of the stared in shock.
"Um are you guys ok?" Aladdin asked as he was getting off the motorcycle. I got off and one of the brown haired ones said "Um watch were your going next time idiot!" He was trying to sound tough. I happily rolled my eyes which seemed to white haired one who seemed to be bothered. So I smiled and said "Don't act tough cause your not! And next time just apologize." With that me and the boys walked away ugh I hate those three but they were looking for enemies and they found them. Let the games begin.

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