Chapter 1:: A New Start

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Kaimana POV

I woke up as I felt two people jump on me. I groaned as I leaned up to see the two people looking at me. Ti was my Triplet Sisters. Keahi and Kamakani. "KeKe...Kam...What are you guys doing? It's the middle of the morning!" I looked at them. "It Moving Day you idiot. We have to wake up at the Light of Dawn which is now!" Keahi yelled. I just groaned as I put the covers over my head. "You know the routine girls!" I yelled over the covers.

They grabbed my legs and dragged me out of the Bed. "Thanks!" I said as I layed on the floor. "Come On get up!" Kamakani yelled. I stand up as I looked at them. "I still don't understand why we have to take a Plan. Why Can’t we swim there!" I raised my eyebrow at them. "Because mom and Dad said. Well 1.) We can’t get out stuff wet and 2.) We can’t make attention to our selves because..." Kamakani said. "People will know we are Mermaids and they are real. Now Scientists,Collectors, and the Hunter will be looking for our Family!" Keahi ramble.

"And we have to Move Again! Your just luck that this is our..." Kamakani looked at me but I finished her statement! "First time Moving! But I am going to miss this place!" I whispered as I looked around. Yeah...I know what you all thinking and I am going to tell you. We finish our Sentences alot. It kinda our thing and also dress the same to confuse people.

It so Funny the way they be looking at us. "Come on pack the rest of your stuff so we can go!" Keahi spatter. I got my Mini bag and pack up my Jewelry,Makeup,and some of my Hair Dye. Yes...Sometimes I use Hair dye. but only for Fun and Halloween. I packed it up. Then door open to Reveal my big brother,Koa and Kahekili. "You 3 ready!" They asked as they looked around the room. "Yes!" We all said and laughed over the sound of our voices.

We all seem like 3 Little Girls when they hears about  Treats. We all walked out to the Car and Drive to the Airport. I got on as I sat next to my one year old sister. Mele and Mahina. I was the last person to find a seat. I wanted to sit with Lanakila and Kamaka but they were sitting with Kahekili.  Keahi and the Kamakani was sitting with Koa. Of course they will go and sit with him he is like everything to us. I felt bad for Hiapo because he had to sit with Mom and Dad. Everyone in our Family even laughed at him at first when that happen. I sir back and relax now I can get some sleep. I looked up as I fall asleep.

~5 Hours Later~

It have been 5 Hours Since we were still on the plane. I just woke up a Few Minutes ago. The Plane finally landed. I got up as I meet with Keahi,Koa and Kamakani. I got my bags as Koa was right behind me. "You are so post to act like a Warrior not a Guardian,Koa!" I said as I looked at him and got my bag and pulled it out. "I know...I'm just making sure that you are okay? You been sleeping all day today" He said as he chuckle under his breath. That’s it.

I just punch him lightly in his arm. Then he started laughing. "You know that's how I be. Come on we got to meet rest off the Family!" I said as I got my bag as we walked up to them and got into the Taxi. I had to get into the 3rd Taxi and sit on Lanakila Lap because 3 Taxi's was enough for my Dad. He just laughed at me playfully. "Why are you so light?" Lanakila. "Because I'm not that heavy like you, Lanakila!" I said as Keahi and Kamakani laughed at him.

"Haha...Very Funny!" He complained. "Yes..." I started. "It..." Kamakani said. "Is" Keahi Finish as we laughed at him. He just rolled his eyes and smiled. "Well we are here by the way!" Lanakila said as he looked out at the hug house that is by the cliff. It weird because we are right next to the woods but it all cool. He open the door and I jumped of his lap. He signed as he looked at me. "Sorry!" I said as I laughed. I got my bag as Kamakani and Keahi got theirs at the same time as me.

We all ran into the house and looked around. We ran upstairs to our room. Keahi open it to see 3 Beds. Yes....their extra rooms in the house but we love to have the same room it our thing. The walls in the room was Black with White Carpet. I saw 3 Bed. Their was on that was Red and Orange. Then theirs a Purple and White one. The last one was Light Blue and Dark Blue.

"I call the Purple and White bed!" I yelled as I ran to it. "I call the Orange and Red Bed!" Keahi Yelled as she run to it. "I call the Light Blue and Dark Blue Bed!" Kamakani yelled as we all flopped down at the same time. "You want to go our for a swim?" Keahi asked. "Yeah...Of Course!" Kamakani and I said as we sit up. "First let just change into our Bathing suits." Keahi said as she walks to the Bag and Bathroom. "OH MY GOD. THEIR'S 3 BATHROOMS FOR EACH ONE OF US." Keahi said as she open all 3 doors. "What?" I said as I stared at her.

She smiled as she close her door. "Well I guess we can change to out Bathing Suits then!" I walked into the bathroom as I put 2 piece bathing suits. I got my Light Purple Bathing suit as I looked around. I walked out as my sisters. Keahi had a Orange Bathing Suit as Kamakani had a Purple Bathing suit.

"Ready?" Kamakani asked. "Ready!" Keahi and I said. We ran outside to cliff with the water. We all jumped as went into the water. I watch as my legs collide with one as I watch as the bottom peace become bigger. Then my bottom part off my Skin became Scaly. I swim to Keahi and Kamakani as we rise up to the water.

"Race you!" Keahi said as she swim away. I went underwater and swim to After her as Kamakani caught up with me. I swim over Keahi and stop as I rises up to the water. "I win!" I said. "Second!" Keahi said as she laughed as Kamakani came up and laughed with us. Then all a sudden we stop as we looked to the side to see a Little girl that looked 7 to 8 as she yelled. "Mermaid!" Then pointed to us. We all was in Shock as Kaimana and Kamakani looked at each other then to me. I just stared Blankly at her. Oh My God,What do we do now.
A/N: Yasss First Chapter. What do you all think! And the picture at top is the Picture of The Rest of the brother and Sisters!

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