Chapter 1

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I didn't expect life to turn out this way. I use to have dreams. I had intentions to go to college and live a great life, but fate didn't have that in mind. As soon as I turned 18 I moved to the out skirts of Los Angeles. It's a bad part of town, but it doesn't scare me. I've been through hell since I was 18. It doesn't seem like it's going to get better, so why not make the most of it?

My cell phone buzzed on my night stand, so I reached over and grabbed it. My mom.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Sweetie, how are you?" She asked me.

I played with the blanket between my fingers and sighed. "I'm okay."

"Would you like to come visit?" She hesitated.

"No mom. I'm fine."

"You know you can always move back in with me and Dan. We don't mind." She sighed.

"I told you I'm not living with him." I climbed out of my bed and carried my phone with me to the living room.

"Okay, Lib. I won't ask you again. The option is still available until tomorrow. Goodbye."

I threw my phone on the run down couch beside me. I was dreading going out tonight, but I have to make my rent money. I decided to get dressed for tonight and get it over with. I slipped on my shortest skirt, my crop top and my high heels. I grabbed my bag and headed out of the door.

The hot air hit my face, making my skin warm, and I felt at peace for a moment. I headed down the street to my usual corner and waited. A few minutes later a guy pulled up in a shiny new Mercedes and rolled down his window. He motioned for me to come to him, so I did.

"How much?" He asked.

He was dressed in a tux with his blonde hair slicked back. I climbed into the car and smiled at him.

"It's 50 for a blowjob, 100 for sex."

"Here." He handed me a 100 dollar bill and started to drive off.

We pulled up at an abandoned building and he pulled around the back. I already knew the way this plays out, so I started pulling my skirt up.

After he was done he dropped me off back on the corner. I put the money in my wallet and waited for my next client. This is my way of living. I do it every night. After a few more clients I had enough money for my rent. I headed towards my apartment as I was dialing Ross's number. Ross is my drug dealer.

"Yo?" He answered.

"You have a baggie?" I asked him.

"I'll see you in ten." He hung up.

I shut my apartment door behind me and threw my purse on the counter. I went in the kitchen to grab a coke. I realized how bare my refrigerator was, but I don't have the money to buy anything. I opened my coke and took a sip just as I heard a knock on the door. I went to open it and Ross pushed pass me.

"I don't like being seen here." He said, handing me the baggie.

I handed him $30 and smiled. "I know, Ross."

As soon as he left I put the heroin in a spoon and started melting it. Once I had it in the needle, I tied the rubber band around my arm and stabbed the needle in my vein. I released a little at a time getting higher by the minute.

Once I was satisfied I grabbed my cigarettes and headed outside. I usually smoke inside, but I felt good tonight and I wanted fresh air. I lit one up and took a drag. It's only the times like this that I feel good enough to keep going. If it wasn't for drugs I would have killed myself a long time ago. I have no one. My family abandoned me, I have no friends, and my dad is dead. I took another drag of my cigarette and locked eyes with the most beautiful brown eyes I've ever seen.

I realized I was staring at Brendon Urie. I might be a junkie, but I know good music, and Panic! At The Disco is amazing. I didn't speak because I was afraid of what I would say while I'm high. He smiled at me and kept walking with his friends. I stared at his back as he walked down the sidewalk. I missed my only chance to speak to my idol. I mentally kicked myself and kept smoking. I put my cigarette out and went inside. I went in my room and collapsed on the bed. Before I knew it I was passed out.

The sun came too soon. I groaned as I rolled over and checked the time. 7:45. I climbed out of bed and caught myself in the mirror. I look awful, I thought to myself. My blonde hair was ratted and oily, so I tied it in a bun. My once bright green eyes had black bags under them. I look way skinner than I should, but I shrugged it off.

I went in the kitchen and grabbed my last soda. I took a swig and sat down on the couch. I can't go work until night time, so I have to sit with my own thoughts until then. I took in my surroundings and sighed. I probably live in the most disgusting apartment in the world. My floors have holes in them, my appliances don't work, and I have no running water. The only thing that's on is the power. It's all I can afford besides my rent. I decided to go outside and get a cigarette. I'm starting to enjoy the fresh air.

I propped up against my door and lit up a cigarette. I took a long drag before taking in my surroundings. People were walking to work, families were laughing and smiling, and I realized that I'm missing out on so much.

"I remember you." I heard a beautiful voice speaking.

I looked up and locked eyes with Brendon again. My breath caught in my throat. He's talking to me? I thought.

"What?" I asked.

"I remember you from last night. You were out here when I walked by." He smiled.

"Oh, right." I laughed.

"I'm Brendon." He said, reaching out his hand.

"Liberty." I shook his hand and thumped my cigarette out.

"I would invite you in for coffee, but I don't have any." I laughed.

"Oh, that's okay. Do you want to go to a cafe and get some?" He smiled.

"Sure. Let me grab my purse."

We arrived at a small cafe down the street from my apartment. We placed our order and sat down in a booth. I couldn't keep my eyes off of Brendon. He's so gorgeous.

"What's your story?" He asked me, sliding his cell phone in his pocket.

"I was kicked out when I was 18, I got a job and bought my apartment. I've been living there since then." I played with my fingers to avoid eye contact.

"What's your job?"

"I work night shifts at a store down the road. It's called Thifties." I lied.

"That sounds nice." He went to grab our coffees and sat back down.

"I know your story, Brendon. So tell me, a wife or kids?" I joked.

"I have a girlfriend named Sarah. She's amazing. That's it." He laughed.

We continued talking about life and other stuff. It made me realize how lonely I've been. It didn't bother me until I actually had a real conversation.

"Thank you for the coffee, Brendon." I stood up and grabbed my purse.

"It's no problem. I'll see you around." He smiled at me, and went to pay for our drinks.

On the way back home I wondered if I really would ever see Brendon again. It's a crazy world, so who knows?

I'm sorry it's not the best. I'm working on it. It gets interesting and full of drama soon. I promise. Meanwhile, please vote and comment. I would appreciate it. Thank you! 😁👌🏼

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