She turned around and sure enough, Tom Riddle was standing there with his charming grin. "Miss Aleita," he addressed Matilda, "Could I borrow Miss Maryn for a quick moment?"

Elizabeth looked at her with a look of reluctance, hoping she would understand, but Matilda just grinned and nodded.

It's like my opinions don't even matter around here, Elizabeth thought as she stood up and walked with Tom out of the Great Hall. As soon as they had reached privacy, his charming demeanor flicked into a cold facade.

"What kind of dark magic did they teach you at Baxtart's?" he demanded as though it'd been racking his brain all day.

"Why do you want to know so badly? What good would it do to you?" she narrowed her eyes slightly.

"It is in your best interest that you tell me," he said, threateningly.

Elizabeth's confidence wavered, "What are you going to do if I give them to you?"

"Miss Maryn, you are very stubborn, you do realize that?" he said cockily as an amused grin danced upon his lips.

She mentally rolled her eyes. "What are you going to do with them if I tell you?" she repeated.

Tom stepped closer to her and whispered in a tone that made her want to run and hide, "Simply...academic purposes."

His eyes were darkly connected on her own and for a slight moment, she felt her mind soften. Elizabeth felt an oncoming urge to tell him everything but then recognized this feeling.

"I know what you're trying to do, Tom, and it's not going to work," she started walking away, but was then pulled back by his hand around her arm. She felt a warm tingling sensation down her spine that she scolded herself mentally for feeling. It alarmed her how cruel he was being as minutes earlier he was deep in conversation about Quidditch with their Astronomy professor.

"I will be seeing you at Slug Club," he whispered and turned, walking away into the dimly lit hallway, soon fading from Elizabeth's view.

She gripped her arm where Tom had grabbed her, for it hurt terribly. "Complete bastard," she said under her breath as she walked back into the joyous feast.

Matilda was eagerly waiting with a smile, "So, what happened?"

"Nothing, he was just asking if I knew when Slug Club was," Elizabeth felt a pang of sadness, for she felt the need to lie to her new friend.

"I think he's got some feelings for you, Beth," she wiggled her eyebrows and munched on a bread roll.

"Yeah," Elizabeth sighed, "Some sort of feeling."

"So I was thinking, what if you owled the permission slip to your parents?" Matilda suggested.

Elizabeth shrugged, "I'll ask the Headmaster tomorrow morning at breakfast."

"Maybe Tom will show up this time," she raised her eyebrows and grinned.

"Let's cross our fingers he doesn't," Elizabeth replied

Matilda groaned dramatically, "Why don't you like him?"

"I just don't."

"What's not to love? His green eyes and the way they sparkle in the daylight, his perfect hair is always messily perfect. Bloody hell, he's gorgeous," Matilda gushed.

Turned - Tom RiddleDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora