Chapter 31

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Spencer's POV
Kelly fell asleep next to me and I had just noticed.
I had already bandaged up but I can't hide this black eye.
I know how bad she felt and I couldn't hide it from her.
We will arrive at your destination in 20 minutes. The intercom said.
"Short flight." I heard Rossi say.
"We barely talked about the case!" Morgan said waking up.
"We will have to get straight to work when we get to Seattle." Hotch said.
I decided to wake Kelly up because I could see the ground and we were about to land.
"Kelly..." I whispered and shook her a little.
She bobbed her head a few times and then blinked a little.
"Are we there?" She asked stretching.
"Yup 10 minutes." I said smiling at her.
When we landed there was only two cabs waiting instead of three.
Hotch, Rossi and Morgan sat in my one while Emily, JJ, Kelly and I squeezed in one.
Kelly and I had to share a seat.
Hotch made us all ride together because he claims that we are all the skinniest and the youngest.
Instead of going to a hotel we went straight to the headquarters we would be working at.
"Please take our luggage to the NorthHeaven Hotel and have it reserved for Aaron Hotchner." Hotch told the cab driver as he got out of the car.
"Ok let's get to work." He said opening the doors.
Kelly's POV
I feel so bad that Spencer had to walk in with a black eye.
From me too.
"Be ready in 10. You can take a break." Hotch said walking to the coffee pot.
Spencer was walking that direction when I pulled him to the side.
I started digging in my purse.
"What are you doing?" He asked suspiciously.
Then I pulled out my concealer.
"No no your not putting makeup on me." He said backing up in a higher pitched voice.
"It's not makeup. It's coverup and we have about the same skin shade. I want to hide that black eye of yours." I said dabbing my finger on the top getting some on my finger.
"No no way. I'm fine." He said.
"Pleeeeaase!" I said begging.
He hesitated for a minute.
"Will you be able to tell I have it on?" He asked.
"Nope not at all. It will just make your black eye less visible." I said smiling.
He hesitated and then walked back over to me.
"Hurry. I don't want anyone to see you putting makeup on me." He said kneeling down.
"Coverup." I said starting to dab under his eye.
After I was done dabbing and rubbing his black eye was almost gone.
"Wallah!" I said kissing my fingertips.
I pulled out a pocket mirror and showed it to him.
He looked satisfied.
"Thanks but this is a one time thing." He said pointing at me.
I giggled and nodded.
Then I followed him to his office.
This one was more open.
"You can settle here. This is where you will be most of the day." He said as if it was a bad thing.
"Fun!" I said sitting in the swiveled chair.
He smiled at me and then walked over to the table.
They all started talking and I could hear everything they were saying.
Spencer's POV
"Shelby Meyers was killed 28 hours ago in her home and there was a note stabbed into her chest with the knife that was used to kill her." I said making a disgusted face.
"What did the note say?" JJ asked.
"... that's it. Just 28." JJ responded confused.
"Wasn't that the time of hours he kept her alive?" I said matter of factly.
"Yes and her age." Emily said.
"Maybe this UnSub takes girls and their age depends on how long they are kept alive." I said after processing the thesis in my mind.
"Good thinking Reid. Morgan, Emily and JJ go talk to the family. Reid, Rossi and I will examine the crime scene." Hotch ordered.
As everyone exited the area I walked over to Kelly.
"I want you to go with Garcia. So she can watch over you." I told her.
"Ok. But I don't need to be babysat." She said slowly getting up.
"I just want you safe." I said looking down.
"I will be. Don't worry." She said smiling.
"Be safe!" I heard her yell as I walked out the door.
Kelly's POV
I knocked on Garcia's door.
"... hold on, come in!" I heard her yell.
I opened the door and I saw that she was on the phone.
I mouthed the word 'sorry' and sat behind her.
"Um her father died 4 years ago... mother is now married to a Benjamin Donald... alright I'll see what I can do loves!" She said and then hung up by pressing a button to her left.
"You can pull out my laptop and watch some Netflix if your bored." She said eyes glued to her screen.
"Thanks." I said. "This one?" I said pointing to a laptop.
"No the one right to that." She said quickly looking back.
I picked up the colorful laptop and clicked the Netflix icon.
I decided to watch a movie because who knows how long I'll be in here.
I typed in 'If I Stay' in the search engine.
Her computer was wicked fast.
I clicked the movie and started watching it.
Spencer's POV
"No sign of forced entry." I said examining the door. "But the welcome mat was flipped over outside the door. He could have known that there was a spare key."
"Or he looked in one of the most obvious spots for a key." Rossi said.
"So he came in and she was most likely sleeping." Hotch said changing the subject.
"She was abducted and no one knew she was gone because she lives on her own." Rossi said.
"So the UnSub abducted her and brought her back to here dead?" I said confused.
Morgan knocked on the door and an elder man opened it.
I could see in the background an elder woman who looked as if she was crying.
"I'm Emily Prentiss and this is agent Derek Morgan and Jennifer Jareau we are with the FBI. May we come in?" Emily asked politely.
"Yes... is this about Shelby?" The man asked looking at me.
I nodded yes.
"Come on in." He said moving his body sideways clearing a path.
The three of us slowly walked in.
The women offered coffee but we all declined.
"So your Teresa? Shelby's mom?" I asked her.
She nodded and held back tears.
"We have a few questions to ask you about her death." Emily said.
The man sat next to his wife and put an arm around her.
"Go ahead." He said.
"Was there anything unusual about that night? About Shelby?" Emily asked.
"No not really. She normally calls once in a while and she didn't." The wife said.
"Has she met anyone new? Anyone that she might be friends with or attracted to?" I asked.
"Yes." The women's said at the same time as the husband. "I saw on her Facebook the day of the..." She swallowed hard. "The day she was killed she said finally met someone. Give me luck on this date or something." She said with tears in her eyes.
"Have you met him or do you know his name?" Emily asked.
The couple looked at each other.
"No." The man said.
"Do you know of anyone else that might have a clue?" I asked.
"Her best friend Marisa maybe."
"Thank you for your cooperation. Do you know her address?" I asked her standing up.
She grabbed a pen and paper, scribbled some words down and gave me the paper. We left the house and the sun was setting.
"I think we might call it a day." Morgan said behind me.
"We are staying at The NorthHeaven Hotel right?" I asked not sure.
"Yeah I heard it's really nice." Emily said loading up in the SUV.
Then we drove back to headquarters.
Spencer's POV
We finally arrived back at the headquarters we will be working on for the next couple of days.
When we walked through the doors Kelly automatically sped out of Garcia's lab.
"How did it go?" She asked me excitedly and out of breath.
"Good. We need more collectible data so I can hypothesize accurately but other than that good." I said smiling at the end of my remark.
"Reid we need you for 5." Hotch said.
I looked back at Kelly as I sped walked over to the large table.
"So we will be staying at The NorthHeaven Hotel tonight. I don't care for room arrangements but I got us 5 rooms. We will be staying there for the next 3-7 days. Tomorrow we will start later than usual. I will let you guys get used to mornings there. Let's start at 8:00 sharp." Hotch said.
"Alright can we hit the hay?" Morgan asked.
We all filed out of the station locking it up.
I sat in the back with Kelly as Morgan drove with Garcia in the passenger seat.
In no time we arrived at the fancy looking hotel.
Kelly's POV
"Everyone's stuff is inside and on hold." Rossi said.
I rushed over to the large carts with luggage.
I took mine and I heard JJ talking with everyone.
"So Emily and I agreed to share a room and I'm sure the oldies would like their own room." She said whispering the last part.
"Baby girl and I can share a room." I heard Morgan say. "Pretty boy and pretty girl can too."
I rolled my luggage over to the group.
"Alright Spencer lets go to our room." I said tugging his arm.
"Alright see you around the hall I guess." He said to the group.
"Night Reid!" They all yelled.
Spencer grabbed the room key and his luggage and we went up to the 2nd floor in the elevator.
When the doors opened I ran to our room.
Spencer put the card in the slot and the door opened.
The hotel room was decent.
I didn't expect much.
I mean it wasn't crappy but it wasn't luxurious.
A normal hotel room.
I set my bags down on one of the two beds while Spencer did the same.
I started to unpack into a dresser.
"Woah woah. I wanted that dresser." He said to me.
"Too late." I said throwing in my shirts.
He was quiet so I decided to turn around.
I saw him making a pouty face and puppy dog eyes.
I walked over to him and got really close.
"Are you going to do this over a dresser?" I said quietly while fixing his collar.
He smiled. "No I'm kidding you can have it."
"Good boy." I said.
"What am I a dog now?" He said jokingly scratching the back of his neck messing up his collar again.
"With that face you made yes you are."
We both unpacked and I got into pajamas when I realized it was already 8:30.
"I just noticed we don't have any food." He pointed out.
"Do you want to go to the store and get a few things?" I asked him.
"Sure. You don't have to go if you don't want to." He said. "You know. You could uh... chill with Garcia."
"Alright that sounds like a plan." I said.
I walked up to him right when he opened the door and gave him a little peck on the cheek.
"Be safe." I whispered fixing his collar again.
"I will." He said taking my hand in his.
He leaned down towards me and kissed me.
It was a short little kiss and when Spencer turned around he practically ran into Garcia.
"Aww you guys are so cute!" She said. "I might have overheard that Morgan and I are 'chilling' with you for a while."
"How did you overhear..."
"Yeah for like 20 minutes or something. Just to give me something to do while Spencer goes to the store." I said interrupting him.
"Eeek I have so much to talk to you about!" Garcia said pulling my arm.
"Take your time!" She yelled back at Spencer.
I looked back and he awkwardly waved to me.
Then he got in the elevator and I was pulled into Garcia and JJ's room.
A/N: If you like long chapters here is one :). If not I'm sorry I couldn't find a good ending point. Sorry I'm not posting as frequently I have school :( but I am trying to do my best. Thx and leave feedback I love that.

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