Chapter Thirteen

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Jaime's POV
I woke up with Tony still sleeping soundly on me. I kissed his forehead lightly, "I love you, Tony."

Last night was amazing. It's just indescribable. It wasn't just sex, it was love. Pure love. No experience will ever be better than it. I still can't believe I got so lucky to end up with my best friend.

I kept thinking about the events of last night over and over while subconsciously rubbing his back. God, I was so fucking lucky.

I heard a quiet yawn from him and his eyes fluttered open. He rolled to his other side and closed them again.

"Good morning, sleepy head" I cooed.

"Five more minutes, Jaime."

I laughed and kissed him, "You're silly, turtle."

"Shh, I'm sleeping."

I laughed again, wrapping him up tighter in my arms. We laid in silence for the next few minutes, me, kissing him every once in a while. He looked so cute when he was sleeping.

"Tony" I said quietly.

"Alright, fine, I'm up" he said.

"Yay, I love you turtle."

He laid his hands on my bare chest and rested his chin on them. He had this look on his face like he wanted to say something.

"Tell me what you're thinking about, Tony."

"It's nothing, babe."

"Tone" I said I said in disbelief, "I've known you since we were like seventeen, I know when something's wrong."

"It's just that, I don't know" he trailed off.

"Baby, you can tell me anything."

He looked away from me, "Was it good for you?" he asked in a small voice.

I didn't mean to laugh, but I couldn't help it. His eyes looked sad and I felt bad.

"Tony, it was amazing okay? You're amazing. I can promise you that's the best sex I've ever had" I grabbed his cheeks and pulled him close to me, pressing our noses together, "Tony I have never ever loved someone as much as I love you. It was beautiful, T. I promise."

A big grin came across his face, "I love you too."

"What do you want to do today?" I asked.

"We have rehearsal, we don't have much of a choice, Hime."

"Oh, yeah."

He got that look on his face again.


"It's just. I don't know. I'm excited for touring, but what if we tell them and it just becomes a big mess?"

"Tony, it won't matter because I'll still have you. So what if some kids don't like it, it doesn't take away the fact that I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you. No one can take that away from me."

"You're right. I'm just overthinking again" he sighed.

"It's okay" I whispered, kissing his forehead softly.

"Let's go get ready for rehearsal" he said.

He rolled off me and hopped up walking to the closet.

I whistled, "Nice ass!"

"I know" he said confidently.

Tony's POV
I walked into my closet, over to my drawers. I pulled out a pair of boxers and slipped them on. I grabbed some black skinny jeans and a Star Wars shirt.

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⏰ Última atualização: Sep 20, 2015 ⏰

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