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  • Dedicated to Stephanie meyer

Hey guys, this is my first book and I really hope you like it. 

May have a few errors here and there. If you find any, tell me :D!! 

Constructive criticism is welcome from any one but lauren :p 



Once upon a time in the distant town of Cutlery, there lived a girl named Dee Zaster. She had ordinary black hair and boring black eyes. An uninterested and wounded expression was plastered on her face permanently.

A poet would thus write, in a verse worthy of Shakespeare,

"Oh fair maiden, so pale are thee like a lilies petal, 

Is it because your blood so lacks the iron metal? 

Tis your dull black hair with split ends aplenty, 

That makes young lads fall for you by the twenty."

"Though thou lacks expression, 

Thy snores are in such musical succession. 

Thou smile is so vile,  

It brings to my throat endless bile, 

The pools of darkness around thy eyes, 

Are enough to evoke heart wrenching cries."

"This is the portrait of Dee Zaster, 

Whom if you see you'll only want to run away from faster." 

Throughout the day she would sit around looking glum and mope about how she had two supposedly hot guys chasing after her and that she would eventually have to crush one of their hearts and enjoy doing so.

So one dull November morning she went out with one of her suitors, Al Bino. He had hair as black as a ravens feather and his skin was as white as snow. If Snow white had a long lost identical twin brother , it would be Al. He had the whole Disney princess look going on and he carried it off gracefully.

That day he took Dee to the ice skating rink. Turns out that while Al had impeccable balance, Dee lacked hand and foot coordination and inevitably landed on her butt more than a dozen times. Al, being the gentleman that he was, did nothing to prevent her from falling but instead cracked up laughing as did the other ice skaters. 

Suddenly Dee slipped yet again and cut her hand against the sharp ice. Time slowed down as a single drop of blood oozed out of the cut and slid down her hand, eventually dropping to the floor.

The blood looked like a fresh rose petal upon the pale white surface. Al's face contorted into a grimace and he started breathing heavily. He looked as though he was holding himself back but eventually he let instinct take over and fell to a senseless heap on the cold ground. Seeing the opportune moment, Dee took out her phone and played a Taylor swift song, singing " he's lying on the cold hard ground,"

After a while, she grew restless of staring at an unconscious and drooling Al and so Dee aimed a kick at his stomach and he jerked awake. The only teensy weensy problem was that Dee had forgotten to remove her skates which indeed left a rather large and frightening gash across his stomach. The blood flowed out in gallons. As expected Al took one look at the bloody mess and passed out again. Groaning, Dee took out her phone and dialed Al's fathers number.

" Mr Balmer? I just called to tell you that your sons kind of had an accident and he's loosing a lot of blood. I just don't know how long I can take it. I mean it's hard, you know, when you're hungry and everyone around you is eating. My stomachs been rumbling and it's just not fair that Al's unconscious . He's never there for me when I need him. So can you please get me a cheese burger? I'd prefer it with extra pickles, I'm starving over here. The pain is too much to bear. Oh, and while youre at it can you call an ambulance? I think I forgot to. Bye."

Fifteen minutes later, Mr Balmer arrived. Following him came an ambulance and it took all five men to haul Al into the ambulance. Dee was sitting in the corner of the vehicle besides Al and was crying, because Al's father had forgotten the extra pickles in the hamburger.

At the receptionists desk, a old lady sat, filling out forms with a sullen expression. "Name and business." she barked. " M.Balmer and I..." She held up her hand to silence him and said,  

" The morgue is that way." She pointed towards a dark and isolated hallway. Before he could object a nurse briskly whisked him away.

" What? He's dead? Already? he spluttered. "They all are." said the nurse without even sparing a glance in his direction. "What do you mean? Who all are dead?"he cried in despair. The nurse sighed and smoothened out her uniform and said "This is grave business, mister. You should know better than joke around." Mr Balmer was at loss for words. When they reached the morgue,he broke down crying. The nurse slightly taken aback by his sudden tears quietly muttered, "Well I'll leave you to it." and then fled.

Mr Balmer, who was now reduced to a broken mess stumbled across the room and quickly pulled the cover off the nearest body.  

"Oh Al, I'm so sorry. I tried hard to raise you as my own son. I... I don't know what to do now that.. now that you've gone." he sobbed furiously. He didn't feel brave enough to look at the corpse before him but when he finally mustered up the courage to, he found that the body was not that of his sons. Confused and disoriented, he proceeded to rip the covers off all the corpses lined up in the morgue only to find that none of them were Al. 

"Does this mean that Al's alive? he asked himself. His face lit up like a kid in a candy store and he sped away only stopping to question a nurse about the whereabouts of his son.

He quickly ran up to Al's room and stopped short at the door. 

A flat line. Thats what he saw flashing on the machine's screen. "No, not again." he cried.

But alas, luck was not in Al's favor. It was too late to save him because of the blood loss being too great. His anemic condition did not help either. Though now that I think about it, it could be possible that Dee just may have caused a slight problem when she unplugged the ventilator because she wanted to charge her iPod.

But nevertheless, 

Al Bino was no more.

Mr Balmer went into shock, as did Dee when her phone died at a crucial moment during a particularly difficult level of angry birds.

"No, no," she wailed, "This can't be happening.I was so close to defeating those evil pigs." She started to sniffle.

Mr Balmer collapsed on the bench. "Al...Dead?" he said disbelievingly. "Dead." he repeated over and over again as though he just couldn't grasp the thought. " I know, I can't believe it either. I mean I knew that the battery was low but I finally thought I would win this level." moaned Dee.

"Dead..." he muttered for the last time before he blacked out, the image of the flat line flashing in his mind over and over again and the sound of angry birds squawking in the background ringing in his ears.

--------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- -------------- --------------


Killed him!!! 

By now you should know what I'm making fun of indirectly.

Don't forget to comment and vote if you enjoyed it !!!


May the mau

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2013 ⏰

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