"The Love Of My Bestfriend" Part 13

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You: yeah, i know it's really weird & i'm scared now cause i'm gonna be living by myself! *begins to cry*

Chrestano: it's gonna be okay but, the strangest part about it is that the painting is over the nightstand so, it would of fell on the nightstand instead of the floor.

You: omg, this really is strange..

Chrestano: look baby, just go back in the room. I'll clean up this mess.

You: okay baby *goes back in the room, turns on the tv the, lays down*

Chrestano cleans up the mess then, goes back in the room with you. He sits down on the bed next to you.

Chrestano: Are you okay?

You: No.. i feel alone.

Chrestano: no, you don't.. you have me baby.

You: i know but, you're just staying for one night. I need someone with me now.

Chrestano: baby.. what if i moved in with you?

You: *gets happy* you would do that for me?

Chrestano: yeah, you need me so i'mma be here for you.

You: oh, thank you baby *kisses him* i love you so much :) tomorrow we can go get your stuff!

Chrestano: *smiles* okay

You & Chrestano were cuddled up watching tv for the rest of the night then, you guys fell asleep.

-That Night..

That night you got up & went to the bathroom. You came back out of the bathroom & went to bed then, you look in the hallway & saw that the light in the 2nd bedroom was on. You went to go turn it off then, ran straight back to bed. you laid down in the bed then, look over to see... the light was back on. You thought to yourself "Did i just turned off that light?" you got up out of bed to go turn it back off. You came back to bed & saw that it was off then, a few seconds later.. BAM! The door flies shut. The door slammed so hard  that the sound woke up Chrestano. You screamed loud & closed the bedroom door.

Chrestano: what was that?

You: baby, baby *jumps back in the bed* i, i,...(gco)

Chrestano: take your time & breath..

You: okay.. i got up to go to the bathroom then, i came back to the bed & saw that the light was on in the other bedroom so, i went to go turn off the light then, when i came back to bed i saw that the light was on again so, i went to go turn it off. Then i came back to bed & the light wasn't on so then, a few minutes later the door slams & it scared the mess out of me.

Chrestano: are you okay?

You: no, i'm scared Chrestano! i'm freaking scared!

Chrestano: just lay back down.. with me & go to sleep we will deal with it in the morning.

You: okay * lays down & goes back to sleep*  

"The Love Of My Bestfriend" (Roc Royal Love Story Starring You & Roc Royal)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora