Chapter Sixty-Seven: Chandria Santos at 18

Start from the beginning

"Kuya!" Chandria protested. " Wolf and I are like siblings, geez!"

"Yeah, Cha is right, she's like my sister," Wolf smiled.

"And I'm the Ford who is courting Chandria," John said as he placed an arm around her shoulder.

"I'm kidding!" Kevin smirked. "Besides, I did notice that you came here with Alexis, Wolf."

"Yeap, I'm here with my girlfriend," Wolf proudly said.

"What?" Elizabeth and Chandria said in unison.

"Wolf!" Alexis said.

"What, I can finally say it so of course I'll tell it to the whole world now," Wolf smugly said.

"You two are finally together?" Chandria squealed.

"Yes," Alexis admitted blushing.

"Congratulations, bro!" John said, fist-bumping with Wolf.

"But now's not the time for that, it's your debut, Ria. You're the main event tonight so don't think about it yet," Alexis said.

"Sure, but you two owe us a story," Chandria grinned. "Wait, just you three? Where's Alvin?"

Chandria looked at Elizabeth questioningly as Elizabeth's smile faded. She looked at the floor unable to think of what to say.

"He's..." started to say.

"Here," Alvin said from behind them. "I'm sorry I'm late Chandria. And happy birthday."

He walked over to Chandria and hugged her briefly.

"Babe... you're here," Elizabeth said. She started walking towards him but what Alvin said next stopped her in her tracks.

"I came with Hope," Alvin said, nodding towards the direction where he came from. They all turned to look and they saw Hope was climbing up the stairs of the stage.

"You mean instead of going here with your girlfriend, you came with another girl?" Alexis glared. She couldn't help but feel a little annoyed at Alvin because she felt that what he did was wrong. Regardless of what they fought about, it wasn't fair to Elizabeth that he brought someone else to the party.

"No, no, it's only because of chance," Hope said, overhearing the conversation. "I texted him to borrow something. When I arrived to his house, he wasn't dressed yet so... I insisted that he go and that's when Tita saw us and she herself made Alvin go."

"Oh..." Chandria said, feeling a bit awkward.

"No, Chandria, don't think I didn't want to go, of course I do," Alvin said. "I'm sorry I was just late."

"It's okay, what matters is you're here, right?" Chandria said. She glanced at Elizabeth and she could see the sadness in her bestfriend's face.

"Chandria, let's have our picture now that Alvin is here," John said, changing the topic. Kevin had left after that.

They took the picture, and Hope even also joined the group picture. Chandria and Alexis made it a point that they were on Elizabeth's either side, each taking her hand and squeezing it, as if silently encouraging her.

"You three go and have your pictures taken," John said, referring to the Power A.C.E.

"Can I join too?" Hope smiled.

"No," Wolf answered. The Ford brothers could also obviously tell that something was happening between Alvin and Elizabeth and that Hope wasn't helping the case so they were also only trying to cheer Elizabeth up.

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