Sample of "A Timely Curse"

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He was nearly home when he spotted the strange man who seemed to be scouting William, or perhaps casing his house.  The boy was not the type to confront a mysterious stranger, so his first instinct was to pretend like he didn’t see him and keep walking.  The wind was howling, and the paranoia was lingering, as William was reluctant to turn around to see if he was being followed.  A brief moment of courage was mustered as he quickly turned to see nothing, much to his relief.  Now, taking a deep breath, he turned back on his path home and became suddenly startled by the tall dark figure in front of him. 

            “Holy crap,” William shouted. 

“I’m sorry, young man, did not mean to frighten you,” the tall pale man said, as he stepped out from the shadows.  The boy had a look of confusion as he looked back to where he saw the man just a few seconds earlier, and now looking at him standing right in front of him, not out of breath, not even sweating. 

“How did you do that?” William asked. 

“Whatever do you mean, William,” replied the stranger. 

“How do you know my name?” 

“I know much about you, and your problems at home,” said the mysterious man as he circled the boy like a predator about to pounce. 

“Who are you?” asked William.

“I apologize; my name is Alexander Gorn, pleased to finally meet you”

“What do you mean, finally?”

Alexander approached the boy carefully enough not to rattle him and put his hand on his fragile shoulder.  His hand was warm on William’s shoulder, which was quite contradictory of his pale complexion and ice cold, Antarctic demeanor. 

“We have much to discuss, but just take comfort in the fact that I can help you make your problems disappear, forever, if that is what you wish.  Now don’t say anything else, just go home before your father gets angry.”

William was at a loss for words as he slowly backed away and turned to go home.  When he looked back, Alexander was gone, and this comforting feeling the stranger had described seemed like an unimaginable fantasy. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2013 ⏰

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