Suspicious Sisters

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    "Healia, what are you doing? Where have you been sis?" Healia jumped a mile at the sound of Esmeralda's voice. Goodness why was she so jumpy? Was it the fact she was harboring the most bloodthirsty man in all of Paris only a few graves from here? Was it the guilt talking? No, it couldn't be, she felt no guilt over saving another's life. But, then again, she'd saved Frollo, the man who burned people with a contented smirk on his face. Maybe she had done the wrong thing by saving him; maybe she'd sentenced all her friends and family to death with this move! Oh Clopin and Esmeralda! Turning to her sister she smiled, giving a shrug.

"Just, out and about. I was looking for a few more ingredients for Melanie; she said she was running low on quite a few expensive items." Healia knew that these lies would come back to haunt her, but at the moment she couldn't let Esmeralda know about Frollo, it would only put her at risk. Also, she was known to have a rather big mouth about this sort of thing, she'd probably tell Clopin and then where would they be? Esmeralda raised an eyebrow.

"Well, it's supposed to be lovely today, do you want to come dancing? Maybe we could rack up a few coins for those supplies." Healia smiled at her sister but shook her head.

"Sorry Esy, been really busy lately, but I might be able to join you later okay?" Esmeralda sighed and gave a small nod, watching her sister leave. Something wasn't right, Healia seemed distracted, yes she worked with Melanie tending the ill but even during flu season she wasn't so busy, maybe there was more to her agenda then she let on. Esmeralda pondered this for a long time, maybe she was really busy, maybe someone had gotten hurt and she was tending to them personally. Maybe...Nikolas? Esmeralda had been told by Clopin that he was a traitor; could Healia possibly be healing him somewhere? This wasn't good, if Healia didn't know that Nikolas was a villain she would be in big trouble, or if she knew he was a villain and did it anyway it would only be worse. Whatever the circumstances, Esmeralda had to find out what her sister was up to.

                                                     For her safety and that ofthe Court of Miracles.

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