Hey Beautiful.

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Imagine: Imagine that the reader is a raptor with babies and major trust issues until she meets Owen. Then a freak accident turns her into a human and then she falls in love with Owen. Dedicated to @mrsdaryldixonmaggie 

Reader Gender: Female

Author: Contrygal7

Word Count: 4,504

Warnings: OwenXRaptorReader; Escaped Raptors; Fluff at the end;  

* * * * * * * * * *

"Owen she's getting worse." Owen turned around and looked at Dr. Henry Wu, the chief geneticist and head genetic engineer at Jurassic World.

Owen knew that the mother of his raptors was very sick, it was that fact that had kept him awake most nights.

Owen pointed his finger at the small Asian man in front of him as he pulled his authoritarian voice "Don't even think about it Wu."

He continued to shake his head at Wu's attempt to convince him "Owen, if she doesn't get treatment soon we could loose all our progress so far!"

The anger that was surging through his veins couldn't be contained at the doctors fake sympathy "Treatment for what?"

Owen threw his hands around angrily as he continued "She shouldn't even be alive! Now she's sick! With a genetic disease that you created, and you can't cure!" 

Wu shook his head at Owens outburst as he continued with his calm demeanor "I can cure it." This caught Owens attention so he turned back around facing the doctor "Oh can you now? How?"

Wu smugly walked over to the small bio-locked fridge in the corner of the room "We have found the faulty gene in her DNA, we have also found a similar adjacent faulty gene that is located in our own DNA."

Owen didn't like where this conversation was headed so he shook his head "You didn't. Please tell me you didn't." Wu looked at Owen dumbfounded as Owen questioned his ingenious idea " We did, and it works with every stimulation test we have ran it through."

Owen's every word is seeping with hate as he hisses "She is not a stimulation, Wu. She is a living, breathing animal."

Wu seems unfazed by Owen as he continues with his research "Well, we'll see who's right in a little while."

At this Owen's back straightens "What are you saying?"

Wu looks at Owen arrogantly as he says "I've already sent the cure over, it's being implanted into Tango as we speak."

Owen can't stop his arm as he gears up and hits Wu right in the jaw, knocking the small Asian man backwards and eventually on his behind. Owen looks down at the small confused man on the ground as his voice drops violently "You better hope for your sake that your lying to me little man."

Owen runs as fast as he can to the Raptor Den, fearing that the mother of his Raptors may already be dead.

* * * * * * * * * *

You walk through the small enclosed space, look around at the things outside the bars.

Your always on constant watch, even when the Alpha is present, but more so when he's gone.

You hear a small squeal from the other side of the pin, you run over automatically Where are my babies?

You rush over in a hurry. Alpha isn't here, must get to my babies; they could hurt my babies.

Suddenly there is  pain; intense pain. It's not the normal pain that comes when your too close to one of the funny looking things outside, no this pain is more intense.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2015 ⏰

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