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The sound of the monitor beeping, ranged around the quiet hospital room. I looked over at Taya who was sitting Indian style on the hospital couch, staring at her mother.

Ms. Wonda have a breathing tube down her throat with a neck braise on. They said she had passed out due to tiredness.

They also said they found numerous drugs in her system and she also have aids that she hasn't been taking proper care of.

I haven't saw Tay shed one tear or said anything.

I swear I hate to see my baby go through all this shit.

I got up and walked over to her and sat beside her. I pulled her to me and she laid on my chest while exhaling.

"It's gone be alright." I whispered to her and kissed her forehead.

She grab my right hand and locked it with her left hand. She squeezed my hand some, rubbing over my knuckles.

"16 years old and been through too much shit to even explain," she chuckled a little. "I'm tired."

"I know you is, baby. There's goin' to be a great outcome." I rubbed the side of her left arm.

"I hope so." She murmured closing her eyes. I let her go to sleep cause I knew she was tired.

The doctor told me Ms. Wonda have at least four days to live. The drugs and aids are taking a toll on her body and she is getting weak.

I haven't told Tay that because... that shit is hard to tell your girl.

I called Ty and he said him and his daughter will be flying out soon.

"Wassup?" I answered the call from Cassie.

"How's Tay?"

"She finally gettin' some rest."

"That's good, well tell her I'm praying for her and her mother!"

"Will do."

"Okay. Well, I'll talk to you later."

"Aight." I hung up and put my phone back in my hoodie pocket.

It's weird how my child's mother and my girl are friends now. I'm thankful and glad they're mature enough to become that.

I looked down at Taya, how beautiful she looked when she sleep.

I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure she doesn't get hurt again.


I've been thinking. What if Loren is actually mine?

What if I'm her real father?

I calculated the dates and it seems like it's a possibility, a strong ass one at that.

Check this out. Lauren was violated on Ricky's birthday, which is the fifth of July. The fourth of July, we went at least three rounds. Two of them without a condom.

There isn't a guarantee I pulled out.

Lauren walking into her room, cut me out of my thoughts. I stared at her moist skin, immediately licking over my lips. I watched as she dried off and put her clothes on.

She got in the bed beside me while I continue to stare at her.


I chuckled a little. I leaned my back against the headboard and got comfortable.

"You ready to move into our apartment?" I asked her.

Lauren and I been looking at apartments. I know we're young as hell to be moving in with each other, but we got grown people responsibilities and Loren staying at my house then Lauren house, ain't gone work.

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