Timelord Childhood

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I run through fields of grass and wheat, my TARDIS disappearing more and more every step I take. I check my watch. 12:07 Atlantic time. I realize how many more time zones Gallifrey had than Earth does. 12:08. Two more minuets until he lands.

7 years of spying and protection better have payed off.
I check my locater.
His TARDIS should be landing now.
I hear it coming through the atmosphere and I wait. Then, as soon as I know it, the blue box is in front of me.
What's taking so long inside?
Then, the blue doors open and he is backing out. I have a  stupid fez is waiting in a bag in my hand, I thought this incarnation would enjoy a little gift, as childish as he is.

"Alright Amy I think it's sa-" He turns around and he sees me.

I just stare.

All my time on Earth that I have been watching him, and I just stare.

like an idiot.

"I usually park where no one is watching! What?! I mean, how... you're a human... you found-"
I hand him my locater and the bag.
"Open it." I say bluntly. He opens it, suspiciously.
"You gave me a fez!" He smiles and puts it on his head. "Wait...."
"Hello Doctor."
"Who are you?" He asks.
"Let's uhhhh.... Take a walk"
"Ok" He heads out only to see I'm not there. Smooth.

We walk towards my TARDIS. I tell him everything.

When I was little, I saw him in Academy, when I was only 60 years old. The Doctor had a reputation of not paying attention when he was little and earlier that day he was in the fields, spinning a Time Wheel, like a pinwheel on Earth, but when you blow it, you see small bits of time, and space. I walked up to him. He looked at me.
"Aren't you Theta?"
"Yeah. Who are you?"
"My parents never gave me a name. They left me stray. I ran away from my uncle and went to the foster house."
"Oh. Then your.... The Runner"
"Ok then"
Just then my friend came up to me and I had to leave the Doctor. Our short conversation came to a halt as I was dragged by the arm.
"Bye Theta!"
"Bye Runner!"
I didn't see him again until I was 174. I had regenerated 3 times already.
It was a bright day. I was sitting in the red grass, when I turned to see him behind me.
"Um hi?" I didn't really know who he was, he had regenerated. Dark blue eyes and brown shaggy hair. Girls went head over heels for him. I have to admit he was cute.
"Do you remember me? Theta? We were 60."
He acts like we've met many times.
"Theta? You? Wow ok... Hi!" I stuttered.
"Hi!" He looked at me. I had regenerated too. Caramel hair with green eyes. At the time, I was pretty shy and a bit nerdy, so I didn't think about relationships, let alone boys asking me on a date... Gallifreyan dates were a lot different than Earth dates. You went to your date's house and met the parents like a proper Gallifreyan, then you sat outside and ate food, like an Earth picnic.
"Your... Different." He says it in a nice tone, but I didn't realize it so I just kinda shot back in a rush, I don't know why actually.
"Yeah. Is that bad?"
"No... I mean, not at all! You look... Great." We both blushed.
"Well, anyways, how did you know it was me?"
"I recognize that bracelet that your parents gave you."
"Oh." A gold bracelet with rubies and silver lined along it was all I had of my parents.
"So, do you want to hang out for a while? Talk?"
"That would be great." Weeks later, we started dating, then years later, we got married, and had 3 kids. By the time the war started, our oldest was 128. The Doctor ran off to fight, and my kids and I ran off and flew to various different planets. My cover story was that some Daleks killed us, so my husband believed we were dead. 10 years ago I dropped the kids off on Earth with someone who could take care of them. Or let me jut say, some people. I ran off after I dropped them off, and I flew to other planets to explore, but came back 3 years later, to make sure my husband was ok. I protected him, but he never saw me. I made sure he was alive, so that maybe one day, I could see him. Now, here I am.

I explained everything to him, or atleast some of it. I can't tell him about the kids, not yet. I don't think he's over her... who our kids are with. But he probably is, so no worries.

"How. How are you here?"
"I ran." The answer was simple.
His voice turned to a low whisper. "Kids. We had kids. Are they dead? Or was that also a lie?" His eyes were dark, but hopeful.
"Tell ya what. Introduce me to Amy, drop her off home, and we'll talk." He nodded in response, and called Amy over.
"Amy, Runner. Runner, Amy." He gestured to both of us.
"Amelia Pond! Seen you, never met you!"
"So? Are you an alien? Timelord? And why do you have an American accent?" Amy bursts with questions, and the Doctor cut me off.
"Amy, she is a Timelord, or, lady... and we all have different accents. She just chose America, I chose Britain. And... sheisalsomywife..." He finished the last part under his breath, and Amy glanced at me.
"Oh so there is a Mrs. Doctor!" Amy raised her eyebrows at the Doctor and then smiled.
"Alright Amy, I'm going to take you home, Me and Runner need to talk."
We headed back to the TARDIS, and dropped Amy off to see a relieved Rory waiting.

Done deal. I worked on the Doctor's TARDIS so I could show him something.


GUYS! Before you leave, just know that the River Song in this fanfic WILL NOT be the Doctor's wife, pretty much just a friend, so just kinda forget all the episodes about the moon and stuff that pretty much led up to The Doctor's Wife. Don't be mad pwease!


~ DG

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⏰ Última actualización: Sep 22, 2015 ⏰

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