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Mitch and I have known each other since we were 10, but I don't know how to tell him my feelings for him.

"Hey, Michelle?"
"Yea Stephanie?"
I'm so nervous I don't know what to do.
"I-" I was cut off by his phone ringing. Of. Fûcking. Course.

"Sorry, I have to meet up with Kirst I promised to go to the mall with her." Mitch said as he finished his phone call "What were you going to say?"

"Never mind.."
"Okay see you later alligator"
"In a while crocodile." I answered with a grin.

Mitch POV.

I wonder what he was going to say, probably that he could tell i liked him and he wanted to say it cold never happen. That WE could never happen..

''Hey Mitchie!'' I heard Kirste yell, taking me back to real life.

''Hey Kit kat'' I said back walking towards her. She seems so happy, wonder why ''why so happy? what happend?'' I asked ''well.. I got a boyfriend his name is Avi, you have to meet him!'' She said I could tell she was exited. "I will eventually, but let's get the shopping on!"

We finally finished our shopping and said our goodbyes. I was driving my car listening to Beyoncé, until I all went black...

Scott POV.
'On the phone'

"Hi is this Scott Hoying?"

"Yes who is it?"

"I'm calling because your friend Mitch Grassi is here at the hospital he was in a car accident."

"I'm coming right away! Thank you so much!"

------at the hospital------

"Hi I'm looking for a Mitch Grassi?"

"Are you related to him in any way?"

Think Scott think!

"I'm his boyfriend."

"Okay, he's in room 785B"


When I reached his room I saw him laying in the bed. He looks like an angel.

"Scott is that you?" He said waking up "what happened?"

I Took his hand in mine "you were in a car accident" I said looking down.

"Oh.. Well earlier you where going to say something to me what was it?"

Okay Scott keep it together you can do it.

"I just wanna say you're my oh my forget what you've heard you're my oh my.. All I'm really asking for is you."

I could see tears in his eyes, then I slammed our lips together it wasn't a rushed kiss it was gentle and sweet.

Sorry for that ending but I just had that Idea in mind hope you liked it.

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