ONE SHOT: Steve Rogers Sex Life in 1940s

Start from the beginning

"If you want to go first, I'll understand," Gail said. "If that were my man, I'd have first, seconds, and thirds!"

"No, deal's a deal. I'm actually a little scared to take him." Peggy kissed Gail's cheek. "Show me it's safe."

With a rise in her eyebrows, Gail kissed Steve, smacked his ass, and flopped down on the bed. "C'mon, Stevie! Let's show her some good old-fashioned American gumption!"

Steve stood over her, not quite sure what to do or why she'd said 'gumption' in the bedroom, when Peggy grabbed him. She ran a hand over his chest, this time down to his abs, running a finger over the lines of muscle like she was testing a blade's sharpness.

"I thought you said you wanted to wait," Steve said, "for it to be special."

"It'll be just as special if I... whet my appetite." She teasingly brushed her lips over his, then up his cheek to his ear, her tongue licking the shell of it before her teeth closed on his earlobe. Gail watched, sitting up to take off her pantyhose. Oh, God help him, pantyhose-

Steve nearly yelped when Peggy grabbed his cock, but he'd been shot at, blown up, and set on fire enough times to keep a poker face with a lady's hand around his piece. He looked at Peggy and got a curious eyebrow in reply, like he was the weird one for being surprised. Her fingers discovered the shape of his cock, and whatever vague notion Steve might've had of keeping his erection under control, Peggy put a stop to. The longer she touched him, the bigger he got.

Gail approved. She ran a hand down to her thighs, and waited for Steve to notice before touching herself. She was almost worried that would be enough to send him running for the hills, but they'd broken him of his innocent streak-he grabbed Peggy by the waist and lifted her up so he could plunder her mouth, her legs twitching as they nearly wrapped around him. But instead, Peggy kneed him affectionately in the stomach and, winded, Steve set her down.

"Slow and steady, Captain. We have plenty of time," she cautioned, checking to find her make-up smeared. She reached into a pocket for a tube of lipstick. Steve watched intently as she applied a fresh coat. Gail had to reach up and take his hand to remind him of her.

Men, Peggy thought, putting the lipstick away. So preoccupied with their phallus that even a tiny cylinder could inflame their imaginations. Having seen Steve naked, Peggy could attest that there was no correlation.

"What's the hold-up, Stevie?" Gail demanded. "I thought we started this ménage a trois ten minutes ago, but you've barely even touched me. What are you, some kind of woman-hater?"

"Oh, no, not at all!" Steve said, as Peggy shoved him to his knees. Men, Peggy thought-why did they always need an extra little push?

Gail spread her legs and then reached down to open herself, but Steve was still protesting his innocence.

"Without you ladies, why, the entire war effort would fall apart! Maybe you don't serve in combat, but you do more than your fair share, whether through planting victory gardens, canning produce-" Gail ran her finger over her clit, but Steve didn't get the hint. "-

selling war bonds, donating blood, sending care packages, even car pooling and recycling rubber."

"Steve," Peggy patted him on the head. "She wants you to eat her pussy."

"Her, umm..." Steve stopped looking Gail in the eye. "Oh. By eat, do you mean-?"

"Here." Peggy crouched down in front of Steve. "Let me show you."

Gail dropped her head back down on the pillow. "Figures. I go to all the trouble of seducing Captain America and I have to get rubber-lipped by his dame. Oh!" She cried suddenly.

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