...For A New One

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"Please fill out these forms; when you're done let me know and we can get your daughter settled in," said the lady.

They filled them out within 10 minutes. Most of the question were asking what happened that made them want to send her here and then personal information like her health card number and her birthday.

"Excuse me," Mrs Young said, "we're ready."

"Alright," she said with a sigh, "I will print your visitors passes, you may go get Bethany's things from your car."

The three of them went back to the car and grabbed Bethany's things. She didn't have much considering she wasn't allowed anything but clothes. Everything else was provided, hair brush, tooth brush and paste, stuffed animals. They didn't want anyone sneaking anything in.

They walked back into the Sanitarium and went back to the front desk.
The lady handed them their visitors passes and put an anklet on Bethany's ankle. Bethany looked at the lady perplexed.

"It's a tracker," she said, "so that we know where you are at all times." The lady smiled. "Please follow Herbert," she said pointing to a tall and thin man, "he will show Bethany to her room. You can both go with her." The lady looked at Mrs Young, "But you will need to leave your purse, any electronic devices and earrings at the front." Mrs Young handed her her purse and took off her earrings, Mr Young gave the lady his cell phone.

Then, they followed Herbert to the elevator and stepped in. They went to the 3rd floor of the building. They got out and Herbert led them down a rather large hallway to a small room at the back of the building. There was a bed, a night stand, a chair, a dresser and a lamp. Herbert came into the room inspecting ever piece of clothing before Mrs Young put it into Bethany's new dresser. Then all sat on the rock hard bed and Herbert left the room.

"Why do I need to be here, I haven't done anything wrong." Bethany asked her parents.

"We think you need some space," Mrs Young answered. "You'll be home before you know it, this is just temporary, I promise."

"Don't worry Bethany, we'll visit you all the time." said Mr Young.

"You guys promise?" she asked.

"We promise," they both answered.

They stayed with their daughter for a few hours talking about everything and nothing. Herbert finally interrupted telling them visiting hours were now over and since Bethany was now a patient at Radley Sanitarium, she needed to follow the same rules as everyone else.

They gave her a hug and exited the room. Herbert locked the door, after Mr and Mrs Young were out, enclosing Bethany in her new room.

A Family Secret (Pretty Little Liars: Bethany Young and the Hastings Family)Where stories live. Discover now