He watches the screen for seconds before sighing,
"I'll be right back, okay?"

I nod slightly as he leans over and kisses the side of my face, standing up. I watch him as he walks back towards my house, the phone on the side of his face.

I lay back down, five minutes pass as I take in the warmth of the sun. My bathing suit starting to dampen less.

A shadow runs across the bottom of my sunglasses as I feel a body lay down next to mine.

I prop myself up, my stare watching at the scrawny, unattractive guy.

"Can I help you?"

"I dont know can you?"

My eyebrows frow as I brush the sand he had kicked up onto my towel off.

"Have we met or?"

"We have now"

"Okay? Well-"

"Im Kaiden"

My patience was growing weaker.

"Please just leave me alone"


"What do you want then"

"Are you here with someone?"

"Actually I- "

"How about you come over to mine?"

"Excuse me?"

"I can show you a good time"

My patience no longer exists

"Look, you are clearly not only too old for me but extremely rude and probably drunk. I hope you come to the senses that this little charade that you're pulling isn't going to work on not only me but every girl you meet today. So please do us both a favor and leave."

He chuckles "Weren't you taught never to disrespect a man like that?"

"You heard her," My eyes move to the voice standing behind the guy "She told you to leave"

I watch Kaiden stand up to face Jace, standing about the same height, the guy was short for his age.

"Who the fuck are you?"

"Who the fuck are you" Jace watches the guy, shifting his eye sight between him and me, looking uncomfortable.

"Mind your own damn business man"

"Thats my girlfriend you're talking to. Her business is mine."

"Man just fuck off, your girl already agreed to come with me."

"What the hell. No I didnt"

"Look, you really need to leave" Jaces voice was tense. Causing me to grow the same.

"What are you gonna do if I dont"

"Beat the shit out of you"

My covered eyes widen at the gesture.

"You think? Go for it"

It started with pushing, escalating to punching and shoving, to a bloody nose.

"What the fuck man?"
I watch as Kaiden holds his nose, out of breath he moves his hand in front of him and continues to look down at the blood on it.

"Get the fuck away from her. Leave"

Kaiden takes mercy on the situation, stumbling his drunk body down the shore to his stuff.

His turns to me, his deep breaths and a bruised cheekbone snap me out of the shock of what I had previously watched.

"Who the hell was that?" He pants

"I dont- I dont know" I shake my head "He just came up to me"

"Well he was drunk" He sits next to me "And one hell of a fighter, He didn't touch you did he?"

I shake my head.


"What the hell just happened"

Jace laughed, the bruise getting darker by the minute, the only thing I could focus on. "I dont know"

"Are you okay"

"Im fine" he shrugs.

"Do you wanna go back to my house?"


We walked back to my place, Jaces glare not leaving Kaiden until he was out of sight.

As we walk into the cooled house, Jace walks up to my room, as I stay down stairs, putting the towels in the laundry and grabbing an ice pack out of the freezer.

I go up to the bathroom, as Jace sits on the counter on his phone.

I push his hair back off of his forehead inspecting the cut placed on the right side of it.

I roll a towel over the ice pack and place it on the bruise of his cheekbone.

"Em, im fine. Really"

"No shut up. Hold this there"

I grab his hand to hold the ice pack to the side of his cheek as I wring out a warm wash cloth.

I hold it up to the scratch with one hand and use the other to hold his hair out of the way.

"You dont have to do this"

"I think the words you're looking good for are thank you"

"...Thanks Em"

"What are you going to do for shooting tomorrow?"

"Makeup" He shrugs.

I set the wash cloth down, continuing to run my fingers back through his hair.

"Well if it makes you feel any better. You definatly won"

He shrugs, smiling small.

"Thanks... you know, for sticking up for me"

"Its kind of what I'm supposed to do as a best friend"

"Right" I laugh.

Best friend.

His lips spread to a smirk as he leans towards me, I put my hand to his chest, the other running gentally over his bruised cheek.

Stopping him,
"Best friends don't do that"

working with jace {jace norman}Where stories live. Discover now