CHAPTER III. The New CEO and The Scent of Souls

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Back at my old spot. I sat down in the giant sized chair that I ordered a week ago and just got delivered. With a deep sigh I looked at the entrance of my office where the former CEO was standing, looking at me with a grin on his face.

'Are you enjoying yourself?' he asked.

'Certainly, yes.'

He smiled and walked into my office without an invitation. His soul was not really pure, but it was not evil either. The smell of it made me frown.

'I must say, your appearance came as quite a surprise.' he confessed.

'I am sorry about that, I was just really eager to take over the company and everything was taken care of, except the part where I would warn the CEO I was going to come.'

'That is probably why it struck me so hard. I love this company, you know, I was afraid I was going to be transferred.'

'If you wanted to have the same salary as before, then yes; you would have to transfer to another company.' I said.

'I am very thankful for you letting me stay here.'

Now he also sat down on the new sofa I had and I didn't know if I should be pissed off about that. He was only trying to have a conversation with me, something I didn't understand as I was the one who had thrown him off the CEO chair.

'I would like to confess to you that I have read quite some things about you.' he continued after a moment of silence.

'Have you?' I was not interested.

He nodded and grinned. 'I have. I do some research now and then.' He tried to convince me he was just conscious about this company, but there was something behind his way of saying things.

'I heard that you saved two companies already... what was your age again?'

'Twenty. I am twenty years old.' I replied.

'That makes you quite young.' he grimaced. There was something he wanted to go to, I had a slight feeling where he wanted to go, but I was avoiding it.

'Indeed. One of the companies was because of a project for internship and the other one was to orientate myself into the business.' I inquired him.

'Really?' He grinned again and shook his head in non-believe. 'The funny thing about this whole thing is,' he continued, 'is that those companies asked for you to stay, but you didn't.'

'That's right.'

'Why not? Those companies earn way more money, are far more developed and highly recommended.'

'This company means more to me than all of the other companies on this earth.' I stated, loud and clear.

'Why?' he asked. I wondered why he asked every question with a smirk or a grin.

'Family business means a lot to me.' I ended the continuing of questions that bothered me. I made it very clear I ended the conversation with this. He realized that soon enough and stood up from the sofa.

'Interesting. Well, it was fun talking to you.' he said.

'Pleasure was all mine.' I answered him politely. The whole point about pretending to be a human is to be polite and make them believe that there is nothing going on within your head. The fun thing is, that in fact, that within humans head there is a lot going on. They try desperately to hide every emotions they find embarrassing, but the truth is that it is even more embarrassing to lie about them. People lie. Sebastian explained that to me so many times.

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