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This story couldn't be done without my editor. Thank you darkphoenix1836 <3

Raindrops struck the glass of the windows as the car moved. I tried not to look at my parents, who were sitting at the front seats; instead I faced the cold glass watching the landscapes. As I watched the green and blue blurs I thought of what had happened these past weeks. My life had turned 180 degrees in such a short time.

I used to be most popular guy at my school. Every girl wanted to date me, every guy wanted to be my best friend - even teachers had preference with me. I must have been one of the few who were glad to go to school every morning. Feeling so much appreciation towards me made me feel like I was someone, like I wasn't here by an accident but to make changes in this world. Nothing seemed to be wrong at school. I enjoyed that life more than anything else... or that's what I thought.

Everything changed when my parents began fighting with each other every single day a month ago. They have always had relationship problems but always knew how to fix them so I thought it wasn't anything out of the ordinary.

I still remembered the day they told me they were getting divorced so clearly and vividly in my head. It was the same day I was chosen to be president of my class and Katie - hottest girl in class - kissed me. I thought nothing could ruin that day; it was so damn special, it felt unreal. My happiness vanished when I got home. A huge smile was marked on my face but I sensed something was wrong as I saw my parents sitting in the living room.

Slowly, I walked towards them and sat on my favorite chair; right in front of the chimney. "Is there anything wrong?" I asked naively. Both didn't look at me but stared at each other talking to themselves with gestures discussing who was telling the big news. I got impatient but sat still waiting for an answer.

Finally my father turned to face me. More wrinkles were noticeable on his forehead and dark circles, which were usually barely showing under his eyes, were darker giving him the look of an older man than he was. I stared at him directly to and saw anything else but sadness. It devastated me watching him in this state. I admired him as a son would admire a father.

Having been born in a wealthy family, a very big family, has always been an issue for me. I knew how to blend in easily. Having long talks with the old men who did not care about anything else but business and  flattering women with their faces hidden beneath a pound of makeup and strong perfumes that killed my nostrils. They were all hollow vases.

My father, however, was different. He was born with all the love and kindness the whole family lacked of. Everyone liked him but hated him, they couldn't comprehend how someone with their same blood be so different. He didn't cared though. He always said, "We are not defined for what people say about us, but for the legacy we leave behind."

I never understood why he married my mother. She was cold and shallow. I can't recall a time in which she was kind with anyone. She would just say what she thinks without caring who's feeling she'd hurt. Even so, my father loved very much. At every fight they had I stared at my fathers eyes and saw nothing but love to her. It always puzzled me.

"Son, your mom and I are getting divorced." His voice was more like a whisper. "I know this will be hard for you but please trust me on this; you're strong enough to overcome with it."

I stayed still not saying a word, not showing any emotion. This must be a dream, I thought trying to convince myself this wasn't happening. Divorce wasn't a common thing within our family, mostly because of the money spent in-between. My mother never followed this family's traditions so I was entirely sure this idea originated from her shallow mind.

I kept staring at my father for what seemed a few seconds,  watching his eyes screaming in pain. I was furious about this situation, but mostly, I hated my mother for destroying a kind and loving heart.

My mother sighed with desperation, "Blaze, we will no longer live here. You are coming with me to California and start a new life. Is that clear?"

I turned to her staring her eyes with a frown on my face. Her face was perfect as always, makeup art and perfect hair. There was no pain, no sadness, not even anger coming from her; only annoyance, just desperate of ending this episode and continue with whatever she thought was more valuable.

I breathed heavily. The thought of living with someone who had no apparent feelings would lead me to a suicide in less then a year. I knew what I had to do but I knew the possible consequences.

"No," I said in a firm voice. Both glared at me incredulously. "I don't want to go to California, especially not with you, Mother. Let me choose what to do for the first time in my life, will you?"

My mother got on her feet ready to yell at me for not obeying, though it was the first time I had said no to her, but my father stopped her.

"Amanda," he said with his usual calming voice. He had the great ability to make someone feel more at ease just by speaking. "He's right. Let him choose what he wants - he deserves that at least."

After a discussion that lasted about two hours, my mother finally agreed. One part of me felt like staying with my father would be the best decision but I wouldn't be able to deal with the pain he'll be carrying, neither the glares from everyone, our family and people at my school. I needed to go where no one knew about me, where I could forget about this life and start a new one. Runaway from all the memories that will be shattered soon, stained with deception. I had to evade anything that would remind me of the life I lost.

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