Chapter 28: Who's for who? (3)

Start from the beginning

That's when it started raining, I suddenly got drenched and ran to find a shelter. I eventually found a place and stayed there.

"It's raining so hard, yeah?" a sudden voiced alarmed me. That's when I looked at my right and saw a cute boy around 13 yrs old. He looked at me and smiled.

"I-I think so..." I stated and looked deeply into his eyes. There was something about it. As if he was troubled. I shivered as the cold wind hit my bare skin. The boy looked at me and removed his hoodie handing it me.

"Here." he said while giving me the hoodie. "You're so cold and you're only wearing a dress!" he said.

"Thank you!" I said with a smile as I get the hoodie, wearing it immediately feeling his warm. I heard him chuckled and he looked away again as if troubled.

"Are you troubled?" I asked him. He looked at me and smiled.

"Well, yeah! I'm lost and I can't find my mom!" he said. "She must be so worried right now!"

That's when I decided to help him out even though it was raining. We happened to bump into her and I saw how happy her mom was as she hugged the boy. She thanked me, I smiled weakly and both of them walked away but before they completely left, the boy waved at me and smiled, mouthed "You're my angel!"

I turned my back after they left and that's when I saw a girl, a little bit shorter than me, her eyes were blue and they were glowing! She looked at me and smiled.

" I heard you called out help from me! What your name? Mine is Luna! Luna Crescent!" she said joyfully.

"Come with me~" she said and grabbed my arm.

"Huh? Where are we going?" I asked.

"We're going to the ... Institute!" she said and ran with me behind her.

End of flashback~

That was the first time I met her. If I didn't shouted my wished that time, I shouldn't be here with the boy who also helped me before.

I looked up to the boy that captured my heart ever since. I was always wishing that I could meet him one more time. Well, I think Luna is my angel, she's always there to make things work.

"Huh? Am I that fabulous to make you stare at me?" the boy said and looked at me with a grin. I just looked away and sighed heavily.

'Well except he changed... a lot!' I thought.

Hannie's PoV

I yawned and stretched as I re-positioned myself while sitting. UGH~ Luna really explains A LOT! It seems like it's gonna take FOREVER! UGGHH~ I'm bored!

I started to look around and around and around. UGH! Nothing to do! I'm sooo booored! I looked down the carpeted floor and started to pout and kept trying myself to be busy. 

'It's not working!' I thought.

I decided to stand but before I could even move from my sitting position, I felt a head over my left shoulder and saw Luhan leaning. He was still looking at Luna but his freaking head was on top of my shoulder!

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" I started screaming... internally! I felt my face heat up and before I knew it I was blushing hard.

"You're my guardian angel, right?" he whispered as he looked at me. I looked back at him and nodded.

"What would happen if I found my mate already?" he asked again in a whisper voice. I averted my gaze and looked somewhere far. I bit my lip before answering.

"Then, that means I need to leave. You're responsible enough by that time and if you found yours, I need to find mine soon or else I'll fade away." I said with a weak voice.

He re-positioned himself and put his head on my lap and looked at me. He grabbed one of my hands and clasped it together with his, making me look at him.

"What if I don't you to leave me?" he asked.

"It's no use, I'll eventually fade away, too. Fading away is like dying but it's more painful than an actual death because it does not hurt physically, it tortures us emotionally." I said and smiled weakly.

Oh Luhan, why did you even brought up this topic? I mean, I really hate this topic ever since I was young because I already fell for you. 

"I don't want you to leave me, what if you're my mate?" he asked.

"Then, I wouldn't be your guardian angel anymore. Instead, I'll be your mate! And that means, I would never leave you. Ever!" I said.

"I wish you're my mate! So that you'll never leave me, ever..." he said and looked at our hands. I smiled.

"I wish the same thing, Lulu..." I said and closed my eyes.

Luna's PoV

" And soon, you'll know who'll be your mates!" I said finally. UGH! Finally, I'm done explaining everything well that took a while.

They nodded their heads like a bobble head would do. I sat on the floor since I was standing since I started this explain-everything-discussion that everyone was requesting since they woke up this morning. I looked at the clock and saw that it was already 1:00 pm.

"Well, that was sooo long!" I sighed heavily because of tiredness. I leaned my back and head on the wall and breathed heavily.

"I just hope they understood everything!" I said and looked up to the ceiling, closing my eyes to clear the thoughts off my head. 

"You're so tired, huh?" I heard Jagi's voice as I sensed him sat beside at my right. I just nodded my head not even opening my eyes to look at him. That's when I felt something wet and cold against my skin.

I opened my eyes and looked at him and saw that he was holding a bottle of juice handing it to me. I smiled at him tenderly and got the juice and started drinking the content. 

"Thanks~" I said and smiled back at him when I finished the whole bottle. He grabbed the empty bottle and put it on the center table.

"Anything for you, my puppy!" he said and smiled at me. Well, I miss that side of yours, for the past few days, I could only see you in coma!

I could not help myself and hugged him tightly, burying my face on his shoulder. I felt secured as he hugged me bag and patted my back.

"I just missed you so much! I couldn't help myself but to cry every time I saw you there laying on the bed in coma!" I whispered between my sobs.

"It's okay Luna, I'm fine now!" he said making me cry even more.

He pulled me away from him and held me with both of my shoulders. He smiled at me after looking at me so sweetly.

"Don't cry now! Okay?" he said and all I could do was to nod.

He leaned closer to me and kissed me on my forehead. Hugging me after, again. After a while, someone cleared his throat, making us break away from the hug.

UGH! Moment breaker! >.<

"So when are we gonna know who's for who?" the boys and elites asked in unison.

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And the answer is: Next Chapter! Lewl, glad to be back! Currently eating while typing this chapter! Hi~ <3 Stay being an EXO-L <3 

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