Chapter Four: Wolves

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Chpater Four: Wolves.

"So? What do we now, I'm bored!" I demanded. We'd only been in the house five minutes and all they wanted to do was work out. I looked at them all with my arms crossed. "Well?" I said tapping my foot they were ignoring me. "I may just steal some of your clothes and go home again" that got there attention.

"Umm I don't think so, you've got alot to learn about the pack" Replied Coby.

"Uhh hi, yeah. I do belive i'm not part of your pack, no offence but i think i can look after myself!" I said smuginly. I went to walked out the front door in my wolf form still, but was blocked by Tyler and Jake. "Aww common guys, it's so boring here, I'm fine on my own honestly."

"You do relise there's a rival pack on its way down here to get you, right?"

I snapped my head towards them huh? what?! "Umm what!" i said shaking my head.

"They need pure wolve females to mate with to have there pups and produced there heirs, human girls can't do it can they!" Logan explained.

"EWWWWWWWWWWWW!" I screamed they all covered there ears with the paws at my reaction. I carried on "EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! NO WAY IS ANYONE TOUCHING ME!" EWWW! OH GOD THAT'S  WHY YOU'VE GOT ME HERE ISN'T IT. TOO BREED!" 

"Don't be so stupid, ew! I'm actually waiting for my mate thanks. If i get one that is. Most of us don't get mates, well the Alphas do but its finding your mate. I'm sooooo glad its not you!"

"Well i'm glad its NOT YOU!"

"Whatever there's clothes upstairs, to get changed into them and come here, you need to train"

"Pffft whatever, I can teach myself like i said"

Suddenly Logan sprang over me and lept off one wall, I watched as he swiftly moved from wall to wall. He suddendly came towards me and caught me off guard. His body pinned me down with grace. Woah!

"Still think you can defend yourself, that was hardly difficult. You get distracted and Bam! your a goner!"

"Whatevver you mutt, get off me!"

He got off me and walked away, He ordered us all to go to our rooms, get showered and "change" , then come down staris into the office for a disscussion. I ploded up stairs dancing on my feet. I nudged my door open and changed quickly. It felt good to be in human form again! I stretched my neck out and flexed my back. Ouch! stiff muscle. I

 quickly washed myself, i'm not going to go into all that "I put the shampoo in, rinse, then conditioner" You've probally heard it a thousands of times and i'm sure you can all wash your own hair right?! If you get someone to do it for you. Even better!

I dressed myself in comedowns and a plain white t-shirt and eventually made my way downstairs to the office. If i remember correctly, i ruined it a couple of days ago right? I grinned hugely at myself.

Amy: 1 / Guys: 0. And thats how it was going to going to stay. Me winning.

I made my way into the office. I had suddenlt become stroppy and moody. My mood swings were getting worse. I walked into the room, which under re-decoration and sat in the leather sofa. They all glanced my way and I flipped them the bird.They all scoffed at me and turned away knowing to leave me alone. Female wolves can get quite dangerous during a mood swing!

"Right!" Logan started. "We need to patrol the area, the packs coming are only about groups of ten which is okay. There not after you in general Amy but they'll come past these parts and WILL get a sniff of you. Your female aroma is stronger ad your unmarked, so keep your eyes and ears open, okay?"

"Mmmm" Was my grumbly response.They took that a yes. He carried on Alpha tone running through him.

"Tyler,Jake and Coby, you'll take first shifts, They won't only be after Amy, there after our lands. Amy will just be lure and a prize. Amy you will also live here in the mean while , but still attend school to keep everything normal. Me and Brent will take second shifts towards night, Amy you can come with us."

I started to laugh" ahahahahahah! I'm sorry but im not living here and why should I go around on patrol won't that make them more "giddy" and come straight towards us, I'm not going on patrol with YOU!" I snapped.

"Umm I think you are, Your "scent" can be smelt from ten miles around. So weather your here or at home it makes no difference, You staying here AND patroling with us as your Alph-


"Think again!" With that Coby and Tyler restained me to the seat. I tried to bit Tylers hand but he didn't even flinch. Seroiusly! "LOGAN! THIS ISN'T FAIR!" I whinned. He looked at me and smirked " Your gonna stay here either way because your a pack member once in you can't leave unless i say so. So... your either going do it the hard way or easy way"

I relaxed in there arms, they loosened there grip on me. I took my chance and punched Tyler with a full blow to the face. He fell back and i got up off the sofa and looked at Logan. "That answer your question Alpha!" So much sarcaism in my voice I almost didn't reconise myself.

"The hard way it is. Stay within 5 miles of here. Understand? and never go back to yours unless you've told one of us, got it?"

"Ugh! Whatever!" I took one last look at the room. "The office looks great, i hope it costing you a bomb to replace the stuff i trashed" I grinned. I slammed the door and marched upstairs. Stupid Alpha!  I slammed my room door just create drama! I loved drama. I'm going to make my stay here so bad that there going to kick me out.

I collasped onto the bed. I wanted to go to sleep and just get eveyday over with quickly! I squeezed my eyes closed. I had school with them tommorow great! Argg! the thought just winds me up. I hate them! There going to be bossing me around telling me what to do. Watching my every move! Not fair! I grabbed a pillow and through it agisnt the wall. I grabbed the other one and screamed into it.

This was going to be a VERY long night.

Immortal Night.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ