33. Their manager is bullying you and he finds out

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"You know what Y/N? Why don't you keep your stupid, ugly, slutty nose out of my business and let me do my job. I've always had my doubts but the fact you'd show so much skin at the guys' special evening just proves my first impressions of you. You, Y/N Y/L/N are a cheap, piggybacking, whore that nobody loves. Why do you think you're here? Because Ashton loves you? C'mon, he just wants someone who looks pretty and he can bang whenever he wants. We all know it Y/N, so why don't you just go home?"

The tears fall quickly down your face, splashing through your makeup and causing everything to run. But you don't care, you don't care about anything anymore. All you feel is numb.

"No, why don't you go home?" Ashton's loud, stormy voice coming from behind you and you jump in the air, wiping your eyes desperately. "A-Ashton. What you heard is definitely out of context right Y/N?" Tracy shoots you a side glare and before you can put together a reply Ashton steps forward and pulls you into his suited chest. You cling on and cry quietly into his front.

"Tracy, I suggest you pack your stuff and get out of here as soon as you can. You're fired and I hope you never get hired anywhere again. Not only were you a terrible manager, you're an awful human being. Never come here again and if I catch you saying one bad thing about Y/N, I will personally track you down and make sure you regret every word of it." Your eyes are closed but you can hear the pattering of her heeled shoes as she trots off down the long corridor. 

"Y/N baby? Are you okay? You know everything she said was jealous bull, right?" He gently pries you away from his body so you're looking up at him, a tearful expression on your blotchy face. "How much did you hear?" Your voice sounds scratchy and mean on your ears and you wince in slight pain. "The last part. When you said she was a mean person, I didn't believe you and I'm so, so freaking sorry Y/N. I love you and everything she said was wrong. You're the most beautiful, amazingly kind person I've ever met in my life and I'm so lucky you're here with me." His words cause more tears to fall down your face. But these are different. Instead of sad tears, they're happy tears.

"You mean that?" You ask and the soft pads of his thumbs swipe under your eyes. "Every word of it. I love you so much it hurts and nothing any stupid delinquent says will change that." You manage a watery smile and let him slowly walk you back to the dressing room. "Let's get you cleaned up and then we can go home or something." You frown and shake your head. "Ashton it's your album release party. You can't miss that for me, don't be silly. I'll be fine, I'm a big girl after all. You guys go have fun and I'll have a great time." You reassure him and he sighs deeply, reaching up and tilting your head towards the light. "I love you Y/N Y/L/N."

"And I love you too Ashton Irwin." You move your chin upwards and connect your lips in a frenzy of swirling emotions. No matter what happens you know Ashton will always be there for you, and nothing makes you happier than knowing that and knowing that the lovable Aussie loves you.


The boys are currently all in the studio recording their newest album and you, being Calum's long term girlfriend, decided to go along and support them. Or use the free wifi in the building. Both really.

Recently the guys got a new manager after their last one turned out to be an evil, mean-spirited cow and although the boys all seem to love her replacement, you're skeptical.

The new manager is a balding man called Gregor who owns about thirty Armani suits in varying shades of purple and has four gold teeth. To say he scares you is an understatement. So far you've managed to avoid him in the four weeks he's been working for the band but sooner or later he had to come find you. In this case it was sooner.

"Y/N? Gregor would like to see you in his office." You pale and look around the empty room, a false confusion on your face. "Me? Why does he want to see me?" You ask the assistant who's captivated by his phone screen. "I don't know, he said something about introductions? I'd hurry if I were you, he doesn't like people who keep him waiting." With that the assistant disappears through the door and you suck in a deep breath, trying to calm your nerves. 

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