No more moving on

Start from the beginning

But now today my whole schedule has been changed to honors classes. All those classrooms were all the way in the senior halls. I'm pretty nervous about it though. Cuz our school is weird. I appearantly "qualified" to get into senior level classes. And I'm only a junior or an 11th grader. So yes now I have to take regular senior classes with regular seniors.

I get back into reality once I start to hear yelling. The two siblings, Eren and Mikasa.

I look at Armin and he chuckles.

"They were fighting over something stupid again and obviously Eren started it..."

I giggle and look forward listening to their argument.

"Dammit Mikasa you don't have to be so fucking close to me."

"S-sorry Eren but for your sake move to my left. Your too close to the road and might get ran over-"

"Seriously mika?? I'm not a fucking child anymore!! So stop treating me like one!!"

And theres my angry German for you. You could tell Mikasa was adopted because she looks nothing like Eren. I think she's half Japanese and half American. Armin? I'm not really sure of... But I think he's told me he's from England. So he's like those adorable English boys. But sadly he doesn't have those fucking awesome British accents.

I mean the three of them practically have known each other almost all their life. I met them in our freshman year. So two years ago. I was new to everything and everyone. I just moved to a new town, a new school with new people. Eren was the very first person I met. Later that same day I've met Mikasa and Armin. Throughout the year I've met more of his group. Jean, Sasha, Marco and Connie. Somewhere into the freshman year I started to create some type of feeling towards Eren. But in the end I decided to let it go. Even so, I consider Eren my best friend out of all.

With all the memories I never noticed that we already arrived the front gate of the School. Mikasa goes straight to the girls gym. But not before she rants about Eren being all safe and careful and all that usual shit an overprotective sister would say.

So now it was just the three of us walking side by side. Eren playfully elbows me to get my attention. I look at him and he had the most creepiest smile plastered on his face. It literally looked like he was going to murder someone.

"Uhhh yes Eren? Can I help you? You're kind of creeping me out."

He chuckles deviously and answers me back in a suspicious tone.

"Oh.. Me? Oh hoh.... No [y/n] it's nothing really. Just you know.... Stuff...."

"Ugh just go on with it Eren .... You're starting to sound like horse face."

He furrows his eyebrows in a disgusted manner and sighs.

"Ew don't compare me to him but anyways remember your huge crush from last year? Hehe..."

Oh shit no is he talking about.....

"Wait that hottie Levi Ackerman?"

I jump at the sudden appearance of Sasha. I look at her confused. She had a potato in her hand munching on it loudly. Nice to see our lovable potato girl hasnt changed over the summer. Right next to her was Jean and Marco holding hands. Ugh they're so cute together.

"Yeah him. But [y/n] do you still like him??"

I blush at his question. Everyone in the group knew I was head over heels for him. But I decided to move on this year. But the way where this conversation was heading and how Eren is acting..... I'm not sure "moving on" is  an option anymore.

"I-I don't know.... Why the fuck are you asking Eren?"

Eren opens his mouth about to respond back but Jean cuts in.

"Well [y/n] your boyfriend is in all your senior classes."

I punch Jean in the arm.

"He's not my fucking boyfriend douche bag."

"Yeah horse face I was going to tell her that!"

The first bell rings and everyone exchanges their goodbyes. Armin and I walk together all the way to the second floor. He insisted on helping me since it was my first time in this floor. Sure I've been here before but it wasn't recognizable enough for me.

Armin being the adorable genius He is had college classes already which were on the third floor. This high school is fucking huge. So it's easy to get lost here. But I'm with Armin so he knows this school from the back of his head.

After what seemed like forever, we finally arrive at my classroom. I thank him and give him a friendly hug before he left. Hopefully he doesn't get marked as tardy seeing that it was already a minute before the bell. But knowing him he could probably metally fuck with the teachers mind into convincing the teacher not to count him as late.

I stare at the handle thinking about what Jean and Eren said. I will see him again. But no I need to go inside. I can't make a bad impression on my first day. Especially to seniors. I sigh and turn the knob with my now moist hands. I awkwardly open the door slowly into a silent room. Well here goes.

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