"Oh she's-" I was cut off by someone walking in.

"Flameseed! I told you to call me when the kit awakes!" The new cat meowed angrily.

'Flameseed' dipped his head. "I'm sorry Dapplestar. The kit was asking many questions."

Dapplestar huffed. "Its alright. Now." He turned to me.

"What's your name kit?"

I blinked. "Huh? Oh I'm Debbie. Why do you guys have weird names?"

Dapplestar dismissed my question. "Debbie huh... a kittypet I'm guessing?"

I looked at him in confusion.

"Oh um... a... housecat?"

I nodded. "Where's Ribbon? Where's mommy? What's a kittypet? What's Moonclan?"

Flameseed covered my mouth with his tail. "Woah! Slow down kit! One at a time!"

"MMMM! PFFMMM! HMMPFTT! MMH!" My mews were muffled.

Flameseed removed his tail and motioned for me to talk.

"Where's Ribbon and mommy?" I looked up at them. They did NOT  look like the housecats I knew. Like Cotton and FiFi. They were nice.

"Umm who is Ribbon? And your mother is living in your twoleg's house, looking for you most likely." Dapplestar shrugged.

"Ribbon is my sister. And what's a twoleg?" I mewed. "Oh you mean housefolk."

Dapplestar nodded. "So why were you in the forest, umm Debbie?"

I racked my brain. I shook my head. "I-I don't remember..."

Flameseed whispered something into Dapplestar's ear.

"It fine Debbie. Lets go meet the rest of Moonclan. And let them know you have awoke." Dapplestar meowed and disappeared out the opening.

He poked his head in. "Are you not coming Debbie?"

I scrambled to my paws and scurried after him. "S-sorry! I'm coming!"

~~~Outsiiiiide Line Break! :3~~~

Outside was biiig. Everyone looked scrawny and thin yet strong. I dunno. Their housefolk must not feed them that much.

I walked around the clearing,  following Dapplestar.

He introduced me to a kind looking shecat named umm... Skybright? Skylight? No Starlight! Yes!

But seriously what is with these cats and strange names!

"Starlight will be taking care of you until you can become an apprentice." He explained.

"A what?" I said puzzled. "What is an apprentice?"

Dapplestar ignored my question. "Starlight will tell you about the clans, the warrior code and will answer any other of the.. many questions you have. Wait..."

He paused. "How old are you, umm Debbie?"

I thought for a second. "Uhhhhh... Four moons? I guess."

Dapplestar nodded and turned back to the nice shecat. "She'll need to stay with you for 6 moons. Please try to explain everything to her in a short period of time. Thank you."

Starlight smiled kindly and dipped her head. "Will do. When will you announce it to the clan?"

"Riiiiiiight.... now."

Dapplestar jumped up - wow these cats can jump high! - onto a big rock thing.

"Every cat old enough to catch their own prey, gather underneath the high rock for a clan meeting!"

Lots of cats, young and old came over and sat right underneath the rock thingy.

"Debbie? Would you come up here?" I blinked and scrambled up the the rock. With help of course.

Dapplestar rested his paw on my head. "This, is Debbie. She shall be joining our clan! She shall now be called..."

I stood there, shocked.


Then every cat began to yell,"STARKIT! STARKIT! STARKIT! STARKIT!"

I'm in the clan?! Whatever that was.

While I was sitting on the rock, smiling brightly, a group of new cats ran in, dragging a gross looking, bloody... thing.

"Dapplestar!" One yelled, panting. "We found a body near  the edge of the borders!"

There were gasps and murmurs.

"Oh my Starclan! It's...!"


Cliffhanger! Omg guys! This chapter took so long! AND IT'S SO LONG! COMPARED TO MY OTHER CHAPTERS ANYWAY!

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! :D

Omg yaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy! Wait why am I saying yay... probably because I finally finished it. Lol.

Hope you guys enjoy!


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