~~Chapter 5~~

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Third Person POV

Four kits woke up in a starry land.

"Woah!" A silver kit with yellow eyes gasped.

"Where are we?" A bright blue eyed kit asked.

"What?" A black kit said.

"What the?" A pale ginger kit said confused.

"Hello kits."

Four heads turned toward a pretty hazel shecat with amber eyes.

"I am Amberheart."

The bright blue eyed kit spoke up.

"Where are we Amberheart?"

Amberheart smiled kindly. "We're in Starclan, Stormkit."

The black kit gasped.

"So we're dead?"

Amberheart chuckled.

"No Shadowkit. You're all dreaming."

"Why are we having the same dream?" The silver kit mewed.

"Well, Crestkit... Starclan has a message for the four of you." Amberheart explained.

"But aren't we in different clans Amberheart?" A pale ginger one said.

"Yes but.... That doesn't matter Solarkit."

"So what's the message?" Stormkit squeaked.

"Okay let's see..." Amberheart cleared her throat.

"The storm of shadow and solar crest will save the clans from the embers of ice. But beware the holly, marble, wheat and lavender."

The kits were puzzled.

"Wait what does that mean Amber-" Solarkit got cut off.

"I'm sorry kits. Thats all I can explain. But you guys are waking up!" Amberheart's voice started to fade.

"Remember! The storm of shadow and solar crest will save the clans from the embers of ice. But beware the holly, marble, wheat and lavender!"

The sentence repeated over and over again until the kits woke up.
"Storm of shadow and solar crest...."
"Save the clans...embers of ice...."
"Beware holly, marble, wheat and lavender. .."

Hey peeps! My pink fluffy potato muffin llamacorns!!!!

This chappie was basically a filler chapter. In the next chapter, it will be a few moons later so don't get confused.

Just wanted to let ya know!

Wow two/three chapters in one day! I'm on a roll! :D

I'm really sorry the chapters are so short... I'm not a very good writer and I have writers block right now... Dx

Whyyyyyyy! :((((

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