Chapter 11

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Davenport Homestead, 1773
I was in the secret cellar with Connor. We were sparring and Connor was kicking my ass. I swung my katana towards his head, causing Connor to jump back. He kicked out his leg catching mine and I flew backwards, landing on my back. Connor sprang foward and pinned me down. I tried to kick him but he was pressing my legs down with his. He grabbed both of my hands in one of his and pinned them to the floor above my head.
"Do you give up?" He asked, smirking.
I narrowed my eyes. "Connor.."
"Yes." He said, leaning in closer.
"Get the fuck off!" I growled, thrashing my hips but stopped when I felt something pocking my thigh. My eyes widened as I looked at Connor's face, it was turning a deep shade of red.
"What the hell are you two doing?" Papa shouted coming down the stairs. Connor sprung up and away from me.
"We were only sparring." I said, dusting myself off.
"What's that?" I asked when I spotted what Papa was holding.
"Have a look." Papa said, handing it to Connor. It looked like a rope with a small dagger.
"A sheng blao or rope dart if you prefer." Papa said as he was talking Connor was spinning it around. "One of the many plans given to us by Shao Jun to..." Papa was interrupted when the dart flew out of Connor's hand and hit the wall beside Papa.
"Nice going Cretino." I said, smacking him upside the head.
"Sorry." Connor said.
"We'll have to work on this." Papa said as someone knocked on the door, followed by barking.
"I'll get it." I said, bolting up the stairs to the front door.
"Shadow, ruhig!" I shouted as I opened the door.
Standing on the other side was a native man with long brown hair, tied back into a small braid with feather sticking out of the back. He was wearing a mixer between red, gold and purple.
"Can I help you?" I asked.
"Yes, I am looking for Ratohnhaké:ton."
"Oh, I'll get him." I said, flashing him a smile. "Cretino, get your shiri up here!" I shouted. "He'll be here in a minute." The native man's eyes were wide as he looked at me.
"I told you to stop calling me that." Connor whinned, coming up from the cellur.
"I will. When you've grown a brain."
"Kanen'to:kon" He said, walking past me and outside.
"Yes, my friend." Kanen'to:kon said, taking a step back.
"What brings you here? Is the village alright?" Connor asked, clapping his friend on the shoulder.
"For now."
"What do you mean? What has happened?"
"Men came claiming we had to leave. They said that the land was being sold, that the Confederacy had consented. We sent an envoy but they would not listen."
"You must refuse!" Connor shouted. I walked over to him, placing my hand on his arm, trying to calm him down.
"We can not appose the sanction but your right as well. We can not give up our home."
"Do you have a name? Do you know who is ressposible?" Connor asked, placing his hand against the pillar beside him.
"He is called Willian Johnson."
"Where's he know?" I asked.
Kanen'to:kon looked confused as to why I was the one asking this question but he answered anyway.
"In Boston making preparations for the sale."
"Sale? This is theft!" Connor growled.
"Connor, take care these men are powerful." Papa said, from the doorway.
"What would you have me do? I made a promise to my people."
"If you insist on this course of action, seek out Sam Adams in Boston. He'll be able to help." Papa said, as Connor held out his hand towards Kanen'to:kon, who placed a hatchet in Connor's hand. I jumped when Connor spun around and buried it in the pillar beside him.
"What have you done?!" Papa shouted.
"That was my favorite pillar." I pouted.
"When my people go to war, a hatchet is buried in a post to signify it's start. When the threat is ended, the hatchet is removed." Connor said before walking away with his friend.
"You could have used a damn tree, Cretino!" I shouted after him.
"You're planing on going with him aren't you?" Papa asked.
"Yeah, he needs my help." I said, as I headed inside to get my things.
When I came downstairs Papa was rushing out of the door with Ezio behind him. I ran after them. I spotted Connor coming up the steps of the Manor with a woman in his arms. Ezio rushed forward to help Connor. Togather they placed her on a step. She was bleeding from her arm. Papa sat down beside her to look at the wound. Connor turned around and began to walk away.
"Connor, what are you doing?!" I shouted.
"Those poachers need to be stopped." He said.
The woman told Connor were to find them and he headed off.
"Use the rope dart if you can. Get familiar with it." Papa said.
I looked to where Connor had gone then to Papa and finally Ezio.
"I'll go help him. You help Achilles." He said, running after Connor.
I helped Papa carry the woman inside to the kitchen where Papa began tending to the wound. I was pacing well I waited for Ezio and Connor to come back.
"I'm Myriam by the way." The woman said.
"Sarha." I said.
What is taking so long?
"Thank you, Achilles." Myriam said when Papa was finished wrapping her wound.
"You are most welcome." Papa said.
I sprung up when Connor and Ezio came into the kitchen. I gasped when I spotted the blood on their clothes, luckly the idiots weren't wearing their Assassin robes. That would have been a bitch to clean.
"It's not our blood." Ezio said.
"Why did those men attack you?" Connor asked.
"It's no secret that this land is full of game. I spotted the trespassers en route to request permission to hunt here myself and suggested they do the same." Myrian said.
"The bounty of the forest isn't mine to give. It is your right to hunt on this land, but I would appreciation you trading with the others." Connor said.
"Very well. I accept."
"I'll talk to the men about building you a hunting cabin." Connor said.
"Thank you." Myriam said, smiling up at him. I didn't like the way she was looking at him. I wanted to walk over to Connor and placing my hand in his, telling Myriam that he's mine but he's not.
"Are you still going to Boston?" I asked.
"Yes. Why?"
"Cause I'm going with you." I smirked at him before heading out of the door and towards the stables.
"Sarha!" Connor shouted, running after me.
"No." I said, grabbing a saddle and walking over to Reaper. He was a pitch black horse, he was a very strong horse, especially for long journeys.
"No." I said agian climbing onto the saddle.
He signed, climbing onto Puppy.
"Sarha, be careful." Ezio called.
"I will." I said, kicking Reaper's sides and he shot off.
I groaned as I climbed off of Reaper and jumped to the ground. I stumbled as a tingling sensation shot up and down my legs. Connor reach out and caught me before I fell forward and do a face plant.
"Are you alright?"
"Yeah, it's just my legs. They fell asleep."
"Come, we'll get a room. Then we'll find Adams tomorrow." Connor said, leading me into the inn. I pulled up my hood before we walked inside.
"Can I help you?" The man at the bar asked.
"Yes we'd like two rooms." Connor said.
"Sorry, their's only one room left." The man said.
"That will have to do." Connor said, placing some coins on the bar. The man handed Connor a key before turning to look at me. He seemed to be starring at my boobs. My robes hung pretty tightly to my body, revealing all of my curves. I had opened the top few buttons of my robes on the journey here, so know I was showing some cleavage.
I glared at the man, reaching for my dagger but Connor wrapped his arm around my waist and glared at the man as he steered us towards our room. When we reached the room he ushered me inside before slamming the door. I turned to look around the room. It was pretty small, a single table, a small window and a single bed. I began pulling off my weapons and the top layer of my robes, leaving me in a pair of short trousers and a tight shirt. With a sign I flopped down on the bed, looking over at Connor, who was still standing by the door, his face a tinge of red.
"You blush way to easily." I said, with a chuckle.
"Well I just saw you undress." He said, turning a even deeper shade of red.
"You've seen me in less clothing then this." I said, gesturing to my body. He followed my hand, taking in my body, licking his lips he took a step towards me. My body seemed to heat up as I saw the look in his eyes. They seemed to be burning with different emotions but what stood out was need and hunger. He walked forward till he reached the edge of the bed. It looked like he was about to climb into the bed and ravish me when there was a knock at the door. He blinked, turning to the door before turning back to look at me, the heat seemed to vanish from his eyes as he walked to the door.
"What?!" He growled, opening the door. It was the man from before.
"Oi, there's no need for that...oh!" He said, his eyes widening when he spotted me in my under clothes on the bed.
"Ere's some food." He said handing Connor two blows. Connor took them and kicked the door shut before placing the food on the table.
"You do know that he thinks we're rolling around in here, right." I said.
Connor looked over at me confused.
"Going bump bump. The birds and the bees."
"Why are you talking about birds and bees?"
"Sex, Connor! Sex!" I shouted.
His face went beat red at my words. "That's very nice of you to offer but I haven't even kissed a woman yet."
"That's not...never mind. I'm going to bed. We're going to have to share it, so don't even think about sleeping on the floor." I said, grabbing the blankets and lay down. I flashed back to the look that had been in Connor's eyes. What would have happened if someone hadn't interrupted us? My face flushed at the thought. The bed creaked as Connor lay down. I felt a small tug as he pulled on the blanket. It was small so it fell off of me. I froze as Connor placed the blanket back over me. He signed as he lay back down, there was only room for one person under the blanket unless we were really close together. I rolled over onto Connor's chest, placing the blanket around both over us.
"Goodnight, Connor." I said, closing my eyes.
"Goodnight." He said, placing his arm around me.

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