Chapter 2

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"Yup, things just got creepier... This is it! I've finally gone crazy! And this kids, is why we don't do drugs. Cocaine's one helluva drug ya know?"
"Calm down," he suggested, a hint of amusement settling in his eyes.
"Why didn't the medicine work? I thought it would."
"You never took it."
I stood in silence for a while. Jeremiah actually had to wave me out of my deep thoughts.
"Yoo-hoo, overthinker! We need to talk about stuff ."
"Why are you being playful?! I'm confused, and feeling lead on by my doctor! And you told me not to trust everything I see, so..." I dragged out, slowly backing away, myhidden anxiety building up like water pressure. His smile faltered, and a stone expression appeared on his face. I could have sworn I saw him looking a bit nervous. "It's not that difficult for me to be serious. So if that's what you want, so be it." He said crudely. And to be completely honest, that harshness didn't help me out.
Before I knew it, the whole room started closing up on me, and fast.
I was on the floor, and breathing like it was a new concept to me. Jeremiah was saying things, but I really couldn't hear him while tears spilled down my face. Out of the corner of my eye, the woman that always greets me as I enter my dreams was standing there, reaching out to me like she was trying to help me. I ignored her, and watched as her face slid into a pained look. You'll never make it to where you need to be, you pathetic piece of-
"That is enough child."
I opened my eyes, which I didn't know where closed, to see that the room was back to how it was. The sky outside the window was gradually being recaptured by the reflection of the sea and the glaring of the sun forcing darkness to flee in every direction it could. "Stand up."
No time was spent, and I did as instructed. It was strange, really. All these emotions that were being felt, weren't just emotions. I saw in colors, felt all these different temperatures. All my senses were being engaged, and I didn't understand it at all.
"It is because I am in your presence, young one," The unknown man said, while making his way towards me. I had a nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach, like I knew who this was. His voice was familiar, but I still couldn't put my finger on it. All this time that has passed, I noticed I never really looked at who it was.
He was tall, and had a type of authoritative, but peaceful vibe to it. His smile was sweet, brown eyes as caring as can be, and his hair fell to his shoulders.
"Wait. Wait wait wait. Please, PLEASE don't tell me you're who I think you are," I pleaded. His laughed filled the atmosphere of the room, whole and hearty.
"Yes I am."
"Jesus Christ."
"The one and only, my dear!"


When I woke up, I was sweating like I was covered with a quilt, which by coincidence, I was. I kicked it off and hopped off of my bed to stretch. These dreams are getting weird. You didn't really see Jeremiah or Jesus in your sleep, you're just imagining it all! After reassuring myself that I was in fact crazy, I made my confused little way to the kitchen, and was greeted by three worried faces.

"Lolly, hun! Are you okay? Last night you were crying and talking in your sleep and... and..."
"Mom, I'm fine, really." I croaked.
"You sound like shit."
"Sorry mom."
I wasn't even paying attention to them, the only voices I was listening to were in my head. Do you actually think they care about you? That they where actually scared that something was going on? Before you came downstairs, they were all happy and smiling, your mom even wanted to give your pancakes to that idiot brother of yours.
"But I love pancakes."
Your dad doesn't even care. He was content with the number of people at the table. These people don't love you, you're just a burden to them. You should be ashamed. You're nothing but a disappointment.
"I'm a disappointment?"
A sudden sharp pain came upon my cheek.
"Lola? Lola, can you hear me?" My dad examined.
"Am I a disappointment dad?"
Puzzled and fearful glances were traded.
"You need sleep, darling. Why don't you stay at home for today?"
"No, I need to go to school today!"
"I wish I could believe you, but you're not looking so good. Go upstairs and get some rest, okay?"
"But dad-"
He never said my full name unless he was serious, so I gave up. I grumbled while I went to my room, and surprisingly slammed my door.
Maybe those voices were right, maybe I am pathetic.


Hi guys! After a month, TFOM Is back in business! Sorry for the wait, stuff has been happening. Getting ready for senior year and all ya feel. Thanks to those who are sticking around and stuff, e

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