Why Sarah Never Sleeps

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Sarah froze.

"Sarah? Are you Sarah?" It was the voice of a girl, not much younger than Sarah, and not at all like the voice she usually heard from the door at the end of the hall.

"Who... who are you?" Sarah whispered back from beneath the sheets.

"My name is Lizzie. Are you Sarah?"

Sarah didn't move; she was terrified of leaving the safety of her cocoon. As the moments ticked past, however, an anxious curiosity emboldened her enough to peek out from the covers.What if it was another girl? she thought. She sounded just as scared as Sarah felt.

Sarah crawled from her bed, clutching the sweat-damp night shirt she'd worn to sleep, and waited. When nothing happened, she stood up and tip-toed towards her bedroom door; toward the waiting yellow door, with the mirror-ball knob, on the wall at the end of the upstairs hall. When she stood before it, her stomach lurched, and for a moment, she couldn't tell if she was going to vomit, or faint.

"Please," the door said in the young girl's voice when Sarah got close, "Please, are you Sarah?"

Sarah opened her mouth to answer, but her voice was a tiny squeak of nothing. She pressed her palms to her cheeks and smeared away the tears before trying again.

"Yes," she finally managed. "... I'm Sarah."

"Please, let me in!" The door's silvery knob shook violently, rattling as if locked and jostled by someone on the other side. Sarah stumbled back with a gasp, staring at the shuddering, alien knob.

"Let me in, Sarah, please! I can't stay in here! Please help me! Let me in!"

Sarah dropped to her knees when her legs gave out, and she screamed when she looked at the door.

Level with the shadowy keyhole, below the rattling knob, she stared directly into a very human eye. Tears shimmered in the other eye, as they shimmered in Sarah's. It darted around, wide and white with fear, as if searching through the hall. And then, without warning, the keyhole became shadow, and the silver knob stilled, and the girl on the other side of the door began to cry.

"Please, Sarah," she pleaded, "He's almost here."

"The Hollow Man?" Sarah whispered, as a chill slithered up her spine. Lizzie sobbed quietly. Sarah scooted closer to the door, her fear growing colder when the girl from the other side didn't answer. "Lizzie?"

Silence fell, as if it had always been there. She couldn't hear Lizzie crying anymore, and even the house was too quiet behind her.

Sarah put her ear near the door, and held her breath.

She waited. Minutes passed -- but it couldn't have been minutes.

Nothing moved. Nothing whispered. Nothing cried. Nothing stirred. She couldn't hear anything but her own racing heart. Was she gone?

"Lizzie?" She tried again, afraid the Hollow Man had taken her.

"He's here..." Lizzie whispered at last, almost in her ear, as though Lizzie's lips pressed tight against the keyhole. "Please, let me in...."

Sarah's head ached. The world was a little fuzzy around the edges, and it was harder to focus than before. She had to stand up. She didn't dare touch the sickly door, but her legs felt too wobbly and weak to support her. She reached for the knob with a trembling hand.

"Please, Sarah...." Lizzie's voice was getting smaller, "Please...."

Grasping the mirror-ball knob, she pulled herself up from the floor. It moved noiselessly beneath her hand, gliding without resistance, and opened the yellow door.

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