Finding Morgana

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Word had spread that Morgana was lurking in the forest near Camelot. Merlin walked out into the courtyard and into the neighbouring village where he saw the village looking terrified. How had this news spread so quickly? He thought. He knew Arthur would already be preparing to ride out with his knights and stop Morgana. The people of Camelot were afraid and Arthur knew it was his duty to protect them, he was their king. In the sky, dark clouds were starting to form which cast a dark shadow over Camelot.

Arthur and Merlin, accompanied by the knights, rode their horses out of the castle gates and into the forest, carrying their weapons and wearing their armour. Although it wasn't late in the day, the air felt eerie and it was gradually becoming darker. Merlin was riding slower than the others and was looking at the surroundings; he could sense magic nearby. They were getting closer to Morgana and Merlin needed to be prepared to face her and protect his friends.

"Hurry up Merlin" Arthur yelled. Gwaine turned to face merlin and smiled.

"Coming Sire" Merlin replied, smiling back at Gwaine. Their journey to find Morgana took a while and eventually it was decided that they should make a fire and camp overnight. Whilst Merlin made the fire, he thought about the dangers they would all face tomorrow. Morgana was more powerful than ever and now she had the advantage as she knew Merlin's secret. He knew that once Mordred left Camelot he would betray him by informing Morgana on the whereabouts of Emrys. It would not be long before she tracked them down.

The stars in the sky shone brightly as midnight approached. All of the knights were asleep and the area around them was quiet. Merlin lay on his back wide awake and deep in thought. He needed a backup plan in case something went wrong and he needed to know that there was a way to defeat or escape morgana. Occasionally, he could hear Gwaine shuffling or murmuring in his sleep and the often snore coming from Percival's direction. He didn't know how long he was awake for but he eventually drifted off to sleep.

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