The Client List1: The Mirror: Chapter 7

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"Welcome back everyone, I assume you all had a good break?" " that so didn't feel like a break" "oh come on, we had a week off from school" "but that's no fun, it's almost summer, I wish we got out earlier" "ha ha me too. OK, Were almost seniors, so we have to be good examples to the lower grades. We are also planing a dance for tenth grade and up, we need a theme, any ideas?" A slender girl raised her hand. "Yes?" " Um, what about a magic theme, or a 'Freak' theme" Kiya tilted her head "O k, whats a freak theme?" "I don't know... I thought you would know." "sigh OK, lets go with the magic theme, can anyone sell tickets?" Jess raised her hand "Hay honey I'll do it!" "thanks Jen." Kiya looked at Elana who was looking down at her desk. "Elana? Do you want to do anything?" Elana slightly looked up from her desk and smirked "No, I don't. Unless you want me to do something" Kiya blushed "N-no, its fine." "heh, alright, whatever you want." riiinngg! the bell rang and everyone left. Kiya went to her desk to gather her belongings "*sigh*" " Whats with the sigh?" Kiya snapped up and turned around "o-oh, n-nothing, I'm fine, its just its really hard to get people to volunteer this late in the year, that's it." Elana walked closer and closer while Kiya stepped farther and farther backward until she was pined on the wall "w-what is it now?" "Heh I have a small favor for you. Are you up to it?" Kiya blushed "I-It depends, what is it?" Elana smiled two things, 1: May I see your necklace?" "O-oh ya, of course!" Elana looked at the two peaces of glass imbedded in Kiya necklace then looked at the back 'i-it looks like something is suppose to go here' she took her necklace and put it together with hers 'i-it fits!' "Beautiful." "T-thank you. W-what was the second thing?" Elana smiled "Kiss me." Kiya blushed "w-w-w-w-what? but we're-" Elana put her hands on Kiyas shoulder and passionately kissed her until the bell rang. "lets get going Kiya, or we'll be late" Kiya, stumbled took a step forward and fell against the wall "W-what do you want with me? W-why do you keep-" "Your cute, I like you that's why." "wha-" "Haven't I told you before?" "What?" "You have three choices. 1: Walk away and call me crazy, 2: Thank me or 3:Kiss me. Can you choose this time? Or do I have to choose for you again?" " I-I can choose..." " Oh really, then choose." "I-I choose... t-three?" Elana smirked and pinned Kiya to the wall "gah!" "what?" "N-nothing... nothings wrong" "what? Do I turn you on? or just make you nervous?" " w-what?" "Eather way your mine." "What are you talking about?" " Never mind, forget I said anything" "But-" Elana bit Kiyas neck then kissed her for about 4 minutes until they were inturupted by the principal " Well, am I interupting something?"

The Client List1: The MirrorWhere stories live. Discover now