"It's okay you guys", I replied and waved as they left the school. I went to the music room and enjoyed the silence before practicing

"Hey Nina,mind playing me my song?", Tate asked and I smiled

"Sure", I replied and he smiled brightly.

I was packing my violin when I heard some sounds from outside and looked out the window- shit! I ran outside as fast as I could

"Hey! That's my bike!", I waved at the truck guy but he was already headed down the road "please!". I slammed my head against my forehead- damn! How am I supposed to get home? I went back in the school and got my things. I sighed looking at the sky- almost dark. I started walking and threw my hood on my head. I walked silently down the street and I felt something tap my head- really? Rain? I put my case under my hoodie so it wouldn't get wet. As I walked the rain got heavier and more rain attacked my back and head. As I walked I heard footsteps and voice- please let me be going crazy!

"Nina!", Tate called my name but it was alert and worried "you have run"

"Hey cutie where ya going?!", a guy's voice yelled and I walked faster almost jogging- only one person called me cutie. It was one of the guys that kidnapped me

"Nina run!", Tate warned me and that's what I did, I ran. The footsteps got louder and heavier and closer- no!

"Nina! Over here!", Tate said turning the corner and before I could turn someone grabbed me

"You okay?", the person asked and I looked up to see Chase

"Yeah I'm fine", I replied breathlessly and before he could say anything someone interrupted him

"You've grown cutie", the guy said and Chase stood in front of me "step aside kid"

"You're not laying a finger on her!", Chase glared at the man and his friends

"Have you seen her? I've already laid hands on her", the man joked and all his buddies laughed "she's mine kid"

"I'm not yours, you dirty bastard!", I yelled as I slipped Chase the pocket knife I had and the man looked surprised

"I see you've gotten a bit mouthy since I've been away don't worry we'll fix that", he smiled and stepped forward. The next few minutes was crazy. Three guys lunged at Chase and the other three came at me. I took my case out, hitting them with it as they tugged on my clothes. Once my case dropped . All. Hell. Broke. Loose. I started hitting them with my fist, kicking their faces and pushing them into walls. I felt strong arms wrap around me and struggled

"Easy fighter", I heard Chase's voice in my ear and I took a deep breath "come on". I took my case and his hand. He opened the door that was in the alley and took me inside. Chase dragged me through the crowd of dancing sweaty people. We went into the employee locker room and went into the bathroom. I stood in the corner holding my case to my chest- they're out! My kidnappers are out!

"Nina?", Chase said looking at me and looked at him

"You're bleeding", I said putting down my case and bag "you have a first aid kit?"

"Yeah", he exhaled going into the small cabinet taking out a huge first aid kit. I sat in the counter in front of him and opened the kit- needle and thread please! Yes!

"Thank you..... For saving me out there", I said putting the thread in as he took off his shirt- dear lawd! His abs!

"It's..... It's no problem", he replied with a small smile. I cleaned his wound with a alcohol pad, he winced a little

"This might hurt..... A lot", I whispered pressed the needle into his skin and he grunted

"So you've done this before?", he asked and I smiled

"Back in New Orleans, my cousin and uncles tried to catch a gator with nothing but their hands", I answered with a chuckled and he smiled. After I was done, I put a pad over it and bandage tape

"You're hoodie is all ripped", he sighed and I looked seeing all the holes "I have a sweater you can change into, hold on". I bit my lip nervously as he left and returned with a black sweater. It looked at little familiar, maybe he worn it to school a couple of times

"I'm fine", I said nervously shaking my head and he put his shirt back on

"Nina, I'm not letting walk around with a wet holey hoodie, please change", he held the sweater in front of me and I shook my head "what are you afraid of?"

"What you'll see", I replied and he ran his fingers through his hair "I'm already a freak"

"Everyone has something different, doesn't mean you're a freak", he whispered and I rolled my eyes "just means they don't understand you". He wasn't gonna take no for an answer. I sighed in defeat and took off the hoodie, placing it aside. I looked down seeing my scars on my arms. I can feel him looking- my arms and my back

"War marks", he whispered and I looked up at him "they're war marks. Everyone and you see them as hideous scars, I see them as the experiences you over came. There's no reason to hide them Nina"

"Everyone is the reason that I hide them", I replied taking his sweater and putting it on

"You're a fighter, confident, determined", he commented and I looked at him wide eyed- is Chase complimenting me?! Me?! "You're beautiful Nina, I see no flaws". My heart was beating out my chest as he inched closer and our lips so close- stop! No, kiss him dummy! I looked down playing with me fingers

"Could you take me home please?", I asked and he nodded

"Of course", he replied.

I waved from the doorway and Chase drove off as I got inside. I closed the door and leaned against it. Too much going on....

My motorcycle is gone- repossessed!

My kidnappers are out there somewhere and looking for me!

I was saved by Chase, he complimented me and we almost kiss!

Wait for it.... I think I smell a gold digger coming..... Nicki came from the kitchen along with my father at her side- boom! What did I tell you?!

"Where have you been?! We've been worried sick!", my father said looking at me

"Wow, now you notice me? Do you remember my name or who I am?", I asked sarcastically and my father's jawed clenched "I'm going to bed"

"Hold it right there Missy! Don't disrespect your father like that", Nicki said pulling on my arm and I gave her a warning look "apologize now"

"My father died when my mother did! I don't know who the hell is that?!", I yelled pulling my arm back "and if you ever touch me, I'll beat the shit out of you!". I ran up to my room, locked the door and flopped down on my bed. My phone ranged and I looked- a message from Chase

Goodnight beautiful ( ˘ ³˘)❤

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