When can I go home to Dolph?

You can't. We own you, you belong to us now....and we don't want our property in the hands of Dolph Ziggler. Now, we have to take you shopping for food and personal items. So, let me make one thing very fucking clear: if you don't behave in public...I'll break your arm in half, and we won't take you to the hospital. You will act like we are your best friends, you will smile, you will laugh, and you will be cooperative and respectful. Got it?

(head bowed)
Yes sir.

If you ever leave this bus, We will bring you into the ring on Monday Night RAW, tie your hands and feet together, and beat you with steel chairs, ladders, and kendo sticks. Unless instructed by us, your pretty like brat ass stays on this bus. And as we were on our tour of the bus, Dean and Seth were going through your wardrobe; if they didn't like something, they're going to dispose of it. That includes your little boyfriend's won't wear those as long as we own you. You will wear what we tell you, and you will do so without a fight. If you defy us, the punishments will get worse and worse. Understand?

Yes sir, Mr. Reigns.

I just go to my rack, crawl in it, and cry. Roman yanks the curtain back, and blocks me in.

You know, if you didn't have such an attitude problem, we probably could be friends.

Why the hell would I want to be friends with you??

He gets really close to me.

Because I can either make your life really easy or really difficult. You can either make this easy on yourself or hard....if you choose to make it hard, I have no problem cremating your spirit after I crush it into dust. You will listen to us, that, my dear, is not optional. Your father sold you to us....we own you. So if I were you, I'd be a good little girl and behave. Because we know who your friends are....even the divas. And we don't have a problem attacking....let's say, Brie Bella.

You can't do that!

I assure you, we can and if you disobey, we will. And if we do, it'll be all thanks to you. We're going to keep attacking your friends one by one, while you're at ringside watching-until you decide to start obeying us. And by that I mean, no running, no arguing, doing everything we say. I know that's a lot to consider, so I suggest you consider your options, little girl....your friends' careers depend on your good decision making. (pats my cheek) sleep tight.

He pulls the curtain back. I scream into my pillow. I eventually go into the tv room and decide to watch That 70's Show (I needed a laugh) it didn't seem to do any good. And then to make matters worse, in comes Seth and sits next to me. He start moving his hand around my shoulder. I push him away. He grabs me and jerks me into him; bringing his face close to mine.

If you would just shape up, we wouldn't be so hard on you. We're not bad guys, Audrey.

You're joking, right? You attack my boyfriend and my best friend! And forced me to watch! What's next, attack me and make my friends turn against me?

He holds onto my face one hand.

You don't need friends.

Yes I do! Why can't you let me go? This can't be legal. You can't sell a person!

And yet...your father did.

I want Dolph.

Honey, you're never going to see him again. You're never going to talk to him. The next time you see Dolph Ziggler is when we hand you a chair and you assault him yourself (smirks)

That will never happen.

We'll see. We're gonna turn you into one of us-wait and see.

I will never be one of you!

(walking in)
Oh yes, you will. You're not strong enough to fight'll fall through the cracks.

And we'll be there to build you into another woman....and then unleash you on everyone that loves you.

I will never be one of you, I will never submit to you, I hate all three of you and I will get free again.

Oh, you won't.

Come to the kitchen, food's ready.

I follow them and sit at the kitchen table. They put a plate of pancakes, bacon, eggs and orange juice in front of me.


How do I know this isn't poisoned....or roofied?

Trust me, if we wanted you dead-you'd be dead already.

And if we wanted our way with you, all we would have to do is have Roman hold you down. That hasn't happened....yet.


I eat my food.

Thank you.

What for?


You're welcome.

Now, we have a press release and a photo shoot. You're staying on the bus.

We would say, "don't go anywhere" but you can't when we have every window and door locked in here.

You can't lock me in here like a prisoner!

Funny, because that's exactly what you are right now. So, actually, we can.

They head for the door. Dean throws me into the TV room and then runs out of the bus. I run after him and hear the door's lock to the bus click. I push and pull and yank on the door. I can hear them laughing.

(singing in a mocking tone)
Have a nice day.

Let me OUT of here! (jerking on the door)

Hostage- A WWE/ Shield StoryWhere stories live. Discover now