~May You Stay Like This Forever~

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~May You Stay Like This Forever~

It is your tenth month working for Devil May Cry, and there is no end of chores to do for the pair of lazy brothers who never bothered to clean after themselves. You would think Vergil is generally a cleaner, better and more well-behaved man as compared to his younger twin. But no; in terms of keeping his general hygiene, Vergil was as horrible in that sector as his brother.

Such was the things you were already used to, but it didn’t mean you couldn’t complain about it. So, as you moped up the dirt and dust settling on the floor for at least the fifth time this week, you grumbled your complaints aloud, not bothering to make it soft and subtle now that everyone was out.

“Stupid half-devils, stupid Dante, stupid Vergil, stupid Devil May Cry, stupid people, stupid world. Stupid mop, stupid floor, stupid pizza, stupid food, stupid money, stupid job!” You got more frustrated as you chanted your complaints, up till the extent that you smacked the mop head on the floor with all your could, making droplets of dirty water fly, a few of which flew up to your face.

You gave a girly scream before you could help it, flinching at shock of dirt water on your face. It was a stupid move, and it had reaped stupid repercussions, but it gave you even more resolve to continue complaining.

“Sweet baby, you’re going to have to brush up your vocabulary if you don’t want to get bored cursing like that every day.” A new voice intruded on you, and you shriek, bringing the mop around from the floor to point at the intruder, causing more dirt water to fly.

When you saw it was the man who hired you –or rather, forced you here and didn’t exactly pay you much at all –you grumbled something incoherent that sounded more like vulgar curse words before you went back to your task of moping the floor.

“Don’t ignore me, Sweetness. I will get heartache.” The man who’d saved you from a gang of demons just ten months ago pressed his body against you, wrapping arms around your midsection as if you were a teddy bear for him.

“Take your arms off me, or I’ll give you a headache.” You, in an effort to shake him off, thrust your ass back forcefully, aiming to jolt him enough for him to loosen his grip. However, the movement only caused your rump to rub against his manliness, and the feel of it, even through so many layers, made you blush.

You had only turned eighteen a few months ago, and your employer had not made it a secret that he very much wanted to go to bed with one the likes of you. You didn’t understand why he would choose someone as figureless as you, but you frankly didn’t understand him at all anyway.

You cannot deny, ten months with him and his brother had given him the perfect comparison of your boss and what he could possibly be. Vergil was a silent man who didn’t seem to embrace idea of adoration to someone of the opposite gender. You knew it was a sin to the world for someone as handsome as Vergil to keep single, but you realized that probably no one would ever dare or want to get to know Vergil as a boyfriend or a potential partner.

Dante, on the other hand, was a perfect example of a man, in comparison to his brother. Dante accepted your presence as a grown woman, and had given you many lewd and suggestive jokes that made you flush up many times. Dante was unembarrassed to proclaiming that he wanted to drive you hard, and knowing that you were still a pure flower only drove his purpose further.

“A headache from too much of your pleasured screams in my ears, Zee?” Dante didn’t relent as he grabbed you even tighter in his embrace, forcing your ass to be rubbing and pressing harder against his manliness. His hands began to move up from your midsection, slowly, and sensually.

Truth be told, the move turned you on and aroused you very much, and much as you had begun to realize your feelings for Dante, you have rejected him for so long –you didn’t see the need for him to rush into it. You liked to take your relationships in control, and Dante wasn’t going to spoil that.

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