1. Nope

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I watch as Matilda falls to the ground, finally for the last time after my first connects with her jaw. Our littlw sparing session had taken a while, but I finally knock her down and out. Her crimson stained top is covered in a layer of dirt and her blonde hair is all over her face. I should feel sorry, but I can't help but smile a bit.

Matilda Matthews had alpha blood in her, if I knew how to defeat her, that meant I could defeat an alpha at his own game. Me, a little wolf. That was definitely something to be proud of.

I catch my breath and get my hair out of my face. Meanwhile, James Matthews, my Alpha, walks over to me with a narrowed pair of eyes, "Thea," he said sternly, clearly annoyed I beat his younger sister like an egg for an omelette.

"Yes, Alpha?" I respond immediately, like all Alphas, his voice radiates the Alpha's trademark tone, which made everyone but others of his rank tremble in obedience.

"I thought I told you to go easy on her," he says and crosses his arms,"You didn't. "

I help Matilda up as she gained conscience,"I did, she is just a bad fighter, Alpha. Next time partner her with Jenny or Delia or transfer her to the lower fighters," I say with all honestly, "Don't expect me to go easy on her if you want her to be good."

Boom! Truth bomb. I led the packs armies, I may be young and not as physically strong, but I knew where to hit and where to hit the hardest. If he wanted good fighters, he would need to get that I know best. Alpha or not, a pack is only as strong as it's weakest pup.

James sighed, but nodded,"Alright, clean up here and then I'll see what I could do," he mumbles and left me so I could take Matilda to the pack doctors in the infirmary.

After leaving her body on a gurney, I went to my room in the main pack house, a three story building, and passed the corridors of the top omegas. As I reached the higher ranks floor, I recalled the irrational system they had here in Silver Moon Pack, and quite frankly, in almost in every other pack.

The hierarchy began at the bottom: the omegas and pack keepers were the ones there, they are the ones who cleaned, who cooked and cared for the young while the parents were working out in the human world. Those are the wolves the packs rely on, they are the true backbone of our world. Then we have the Guards and the Warriors, they may be omegas, but they have Delta, Beta, or even Alpha blood that runs through their veins, maybe from a distant uncle or great great grandparent. They are the ones who protect the pack and prepare the young for a life as a skilled fighter. But those who don't make the cut find other occupations to provided for tbe pack. Alas we had the desired positions of Delta, Beta and Alpha, all of which have piles of paperwork or decision they have to do for the well being of the pack. I admired them, but to be honest I didn't want the position of a Rank. All the pressure, all those pack members to keep track of, too much typing, not enough butt kicking.

My dad, Henry Williams, was a great warrior along with my mom, Penny William, unfortunately they died as so. They died protecting our pack from the rogues that live among us in the lands of Montana.  Rouge numbers are low now a days, through out the years we've made sure of it. But, that's about all I know about my parents, other than they were mates and they loved each other very much. My heart ached for them, but I knew I had to be strong and follow in their footsteps. Therefore my title is Head Warrior, not an exclusive one like Alpha, but here in Silver Moon it was quite something, especially when we are know for our resistance and endurance in fighting and our relentless hunt for rogues. I was like a general to he Alpha. And he was like a brother to me.

I walk into my room which is on the same floor as the ranks, or the Alpha and his minions, as I like to call them. I take a hot shower to help with my soon to be sore muscles. I dry my hair and flop down to my bed already in my pj's.

"Thea," a voice asked.

I immediately recognized the sound of cousin, Eddie and said, "What is it, Eddy?"

Edward was my dad's dead little brothers son, his story not the same as mine, but we were both orphaned. His mother had died giving birth to him and his father died soon after. To everyone's surprise Eddy was a happy kid, all thanks to his adoptive parents. The fourteen year old rushed in and flopped down on my bed and I laughed as his reddish hair bounced out of place.

"Heard you beat Matilda, how was that? "He asked .

I shrugged and took my copy of Merchant of Venice from the nightstand and read as he turned my TV on, "Hey go ahead, make yourself at home." I said sarcastically.

"Oh, sorry Thea. Can I? "He asked sheepishly.

"Knock yourself out, kid," I said and flicked my eyes back to my book.

"So Thea," Eddie started out," Peter has been rambling on and on about he is planning on marrying you. "

"The fuck? "I growled.

Ed shrugged, "I'm joking, just checking if you're paying attention."

I scowled, Peter, the packs man whore, not only has he taken the innocence of the few unmated girls, but he has ruined many relationships. He disgusts me, no one should ever take advantage of a girl during her heat. But then we have our pack slut, Larisa, who isn't as innocent per say.

Sure, most of us would rather wait for a mate who has not lost his or her virtue to another. Those who chose to stay pure seem happier. I haven't found my mate yet, and I'm not so sure if I even want one. He would make me give up my position to move to his pack.

That's too much already. But. then again . . .a mate. My inner wolf purred at the thought of our mate, the day we'd be his alas.

"Thea. . ."Eddie called as he waved his hand around me.

"What!?!" I snapped.

He rolled his eyes,"Yeesh, looks like someone's time of month again,"he said as he got up and began heading to the door, " Thea, tomorrow you leave for the Ball, James told me to tell you. "

I groaned ,"James! "I shouted and soon, my best friend and Alpha walked in. James was the dark blonde boy I grew up with next door. Their parents took me in after my parents died, so James and the Ranks were some of my few friends in the pack .

"Yes, Thea?" He asked innocently.

"I forgot to tell you, I'm skipping out on the whole mate Ball thing,"I say as I flop on my back to lay down.

"Why? Don't you what to find your mate?"

I shook my head,"I like my life as it is."

He rolled his eyes,"You're coming, and that's and order," he said, lacing his words with the Alpha tone.

I gaped,"What? James, please ! It's a eight hour drive from here to the Moon Pack territory and the others will be jabbering about their outfits and mates, please don't do this to me." I said as I rose to my knees on the bed.

"The others will be taking the bus and we'll be taking my car. And also, you'll be going as a guard, you don't have to dance, we'll be crossing some rogues and I'll need my best fighter." He said and I groaned in defeat.

Just great!

"So take Caesar," I said, wishing he'd take the his Delta.

He shook his head,"No, Thea you're going. Plus you might find him-"

"Yeah, well what if I don't want to?"

He rolled his eyes and I laid back in bed,"You're going, and that's final."

I groaned and buried my head in the pillows, he left with a smirk as I dread the future. The Full Moon Ball, ugh, the last place I would ever want to be. The Ball is the oldest tradition in the werewolf community, where unmated wolf go every five years . It is the only place and time where a temporary treaty with packs, all for the purpose if funging love, as if it wasn't cheesy enough.

Basically, it's Tinder for werewolves.

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