Chasing Sky

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I was down by the lake. The one only a day before Sky and I had been in. In one hand I held a cigarette and in the other Sabrina’s necklace.

My eyes were red and puffy, my skin pale and cold. My hands were shaking and I struggled to breath. My tears had dried up; my screams had faded to whimpers, and I was strangely calm. My gaze drifted across the lake, the reflections grey and murky, the opposite of what it’d been.

I threw the cigarette into the river but as I reached back to throw in the necklace I began to cry again. They weren’t the angry tears I’d had before, the ones of shock and surprise; these tears were completely and utterly genuine. I cried because I knew that I’d never see Sky again, never hear her voice whispering in my ear as she laughed and danced. I was heartbroken. To know that she was gone, that she’d done so willingly, was more horrible then the rest. All my fantasies about her and I, that she loved me the same way I loved her, obviously weren’t true. Because if they were, she never would’ve done what she did. She made her choice, it had always been impossible to change Sky’s opinion. She never loved me because she never loved anyone. She was that one girl in a million that lived an isolated life. Even if it looked like she had plenty of friends she’d always be far away, on her own island with no chance of getting home.

Even if my life didn’t end right there, by the lake, doesn’t mean a part of me didn’t. It was the part that confined me to one thought, the part that prohibited me from seeing the greater world, and most importantly it was the part that loved Sky.

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