- Imagine - Chilling With Nash -

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⚠ Warning; This imagine is a bit sexual!. ⚠

"Baaaabbbbyyyyy!" Nash whined as he was sitting at his computer desk chair, reaching out for you as he striaghted out his arms to you, "What?" You asked with a laugh escaping you while you were laying on his bed with your legs on the wall, tilting your head back a bit to look at him.

He was pouting with his bottom lip out which only made you wanna get up and kiss his adorable pouting face and his bright baby blue eyes didn't help at all with not wanting to just throw him on the bed and make him stop pouting.. "C'mere! I'm cold!" He mumbled with a frown as he outstretched his arms to you more.

You just simply and stubbornly shaking your head no at his pouting demand. "Nope, you c'mere!" You told him stubbornly with a grin tugging on your lips as you turned over onto your stomach, propping your head up on your hands while fixing your gaze back on him. Nash huffing at you before he pushed himself up from the chair.

He just sat I'm the floor in front of you, cupping your face gently into the palm of his hands, he locked his blue eyes on your (eye color here) eyes with his teasing sexy smirk while he leaned in and brushed his lips against yours which gave you chills down your spine. "Baby.. S-stop.." You muttered out and stuttered as you let you hands play with his hair.

Tugging on his long curly beautiful hair, you leaned in and went to kiss him but he leaned back away from you, "Nope I'm gonna be the tease tonight.." And with that, he winked towards you as you blushed deeply. He made a quick move, placing his lips against your neck, trailing kisses down to your collarbone, once he got to your collarbone, he nibbled a bit trying to leave a mark without hurting you.

You closing your eyes at the feeling you enjoyed so much, biting on your bottom lip to hold back a moan from escaping you. Nash could tell you were by how your breath was hitching. "Babe! Stooop!" You whispered to him in his ear while you pushed him away gently.

Him grinning from ear-to-ear at your reaction. You fluttering your eyes back open with a silent huff escaping you. "Its only fair, y/n. You do it all the time to me at the most inappropriate times.." He told you with a grin before it turned into a smile. "Shut up.." You mumbled with a grin before you pulled him back to you, crashing your lips into his.. And the let's just the rest of the night was....... Bumpy for both you and him.... ;).

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⏰ Недавно обновлено: Aug 25, 2015 ⏰

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