Making Conversation

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(Rachel is my OC who is Kagami's cousin)
I looked down at the table as I tried to think of something to talk to him about. He seemed a little... Off. Maybe sad or upset... I wasn't sure but I didn't like it.
"So....  I heard that you were going to go meet your parents at the Icecream Shop down the street...." I tried to start up something to possibly cheer him up. I fiddled with my straw. His eyes grew wide and then dim again.

"Y-Yeah. Where'd ya hear that?" He asked in a sort of irritated tone.

"Rachel told me this morning." I replied while looking down. "I thought you knew."

His face got red again and I heard him murmur "Damn Rachel..." I cocked my head at him.

"What is it? What's wrong?" I asked while furrowing my eyebrows. Why would that bother him so much? Though I myself am not sure why she would randomly tell me about it. It's not like I'm his...... N-never mind.....  She didn't tell any of the other team members... Or the coach. Why me? Just as I was thinking this I heard Kagami.

"Why'd she tell you anyhow..." He asked while holding his head.

"I don't know..." I replied while suddenly feeling very embarrassed for mentioning it. My face was getting hotter and hotter by the second. How I did wish that I didn't feel this way. I felt his warm hand come to my forehead.

"Are you okay?" He asked suddenly. He looked worried and the irritation had left his eyes.

"Y-Yes. Thank you." I smiled in efforts to hide how fast my heart was beating. "So... Do you have a good relationship with your parents?" I asked him in hopes that it might distract him from the color of my face. He shrugged.

"Eh.... It's okay I guess..." He ate another burger." Then something hit me.

"Don't you get thirsty from eating so many burgers?" I laughed while referring to the burgers.  He laughed.

"I guess I never really thought about it!" He laughed loudly. I was glad he was laughing. His eyes then grew wide as he pulled out his phone and checked the time. "Uh... Speaking of... I actually have to go... See ya, Kuroko." He then ruffled my hair roughly. He looked at me sympathetically. "Damn... I feel bad just leaving you alone..." My eyes grew wide. My cheeks flushed red again.
"I'll be fine.... You should go see your parents. You haven't seen them in a while I'm sure." I smiled at him. That was sweet that he was worried about me. He nodded.  He growled and pulled me roughly by the hand.

"K-Kagami-kun?" I asked as I was dragged out the door.

"I can't just leave you alone.... You're comin' with me!" He replied as we flew through town. My cheeks flushed.

"Okay..." I replied. "C-can we slow down? P-please...?" I asked while hanging on for dear life to Kagami-kun's hand. It was large,strong and warm. He slowed.
"Sorry..." He replied but he didn't let go of my hand. My face got hotter. But I wouldn't complain.... I liked how it felt. My hand was enveloped in his... It was a feeling that I wish would last forever and I wished meant love. I followed him, hand and hand down the street. It felt like everyone was staring at us and were all thinking what I wish was true.
We then got to the shop and I believed the moment would end but it didn't.

"Here we are." He said as we entered.

The Shadow and His Light (Kagami X Kuroko/KagaKuro)Where stories live. Discover now