Chapter 18

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"See?" Dawn says, before taking a step inside. "Nothing's wrong."

When we got to the front door, the door was slightly ajar. Exactly like my mother told me that she would leave it. She said that we would have to shove it a bit, which Phil took as to mean 'shove-it-with-all-your-strength' so he shoved it a bit too enthusiastically. Dawn walks past the broken door, still swinging wildly on its last hinge.

I know that my parents aren't here, even though I wish to run into their arms. I know that they're somewhere far away from here. My mother urged my dad to take the scenic route because she claimed that she always wanted to see the surrounding landscapes but from the way her voice choked, I know it was because she wanted to prolong the time before she went home without me. She tried so hold back the tears as she lectured me, cupping my face gently each time she stuttered on her words.

'I love you' was the last thing I heard her say to me, before Nelson's men shoved me in a car and slammed the door in my face. I heard her screaming at him for handling me roughly but her screams were ignored as he just sat in the car and drive off. I couldn't even respond to her – I tried, but the windows were locked so I couldn't even say goodbye. I didn't get to say that I loved her too.

I don't know if I ever will.

The windows are the first to catch my attention. When I left, the curtains were closed. My mother wouldn't leave them open, she thinks that opening the curtains just attracts thieves. I peek into the windows to see the whole room is black.

Something's not right. I can feel it in my gut.

Dawn comes rushing out, grasping at her throat as she inhales and exhales erratically. Her eyes are watery, the tears dripping onto the concrete steps as she falls to her knees. When we ask her what's wrong, she points inside, unable to answer us. My eyes drift upwards and I see it before anyone else does. I let out a gasp as plumes of black smoke billows outside, drifting into a something that resembles a tail. It then dissipates into the sky.


Dawn struggles to speak, dragging my eyes away from the smoke drifting out of my house. Her hands are still clawing at her throat as she stutters, "F-fire."

Reality settles in. Fire. My house is on fire. The same house that apparently stood the tests of time in the Great War, is now succumbing to ashes. Fire is the only word I need to start running. The atmosphere is almost unbreathable as the smoke now reaches my lungs, and claws its way down my throat.

I knew that we couldn't have gotten here before Nelson's men did. Hope is such a slow killer.

"Vee, no!" Phil screams out behind me.


She stops outside the house. Her friends speak in hushed whispers to each other, knowing on some level what is about to happen. She raises her arms so that her palms are facing the sun and the neighbour's pool water rises above the fence. She twists her arms, creating a swirling motion in the water. As she brings her hands towards her own body, the water rushes at her at an amazing speed, forcing her friends to quickly scamper out of the way. The way the water twists in mid-air is executed perfectly – not a single drop falls on the ground. As she walks further into the house, she stretches out her arms towards the fire, forcing the water to spray on the engulfing flames. The white glow emitting from the marks on her creates a beacon of light in the smoke-created darkness. Her breathing is unaffected as the smoke slowly starts to envelop her body, leaving only the glow shining to show her outline in the smoke.

She walks further into the house, a trail of puddles following her. Her friend runs inside, despite the warnings given to her. She uses her sleeve to cover her nose and her mouth and follows the trails of water following her best friend. The smoke has lessened considerably, and she can see a bit clearer now, even though her eyes are still watering. The flames have disappeared, at least the huge ones. Her attempts at helping are almost futile, only managing to fan the smaller flames a tiny bit and not eliminate them completely. She watches in awe as the water pours out of her friend's hands, twisting in mid-air and spraying on the small flames.

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