“Please.” The little girls beg. “We have to hurry though my mom will be expecting me at the dinner table in a little while.”

“I don’t think so kid.”

Riley pouts and Riley once again is reminded of someone. However, before she could say anything else she was interrupted by Violet voice. “Rue what did your mommy say.”

Rue frowns and whispers, “To get ready for dinner.”

“Well let’s go.”

“Okay mom.” Rue says. She then smiles towards Riley and whispers, “We can talk later.” After that she runs down the hall towards the dining room.

“Sorry for her.” Violet says. “That’s my daughter Rue.”

“Oh so that’s the little girl Kimberly once told me about.”

“What you look so surprised.”

Riley shrugs her shoulders. “I guess I never thought you and Chloe really had a little girl. But..” Riley runs her hand through her hair. “If you can take care of this town then I guess a little girl is not so bad.”

“No.” Violet laughs. “I completely disagree. Rue is a handful.”

“I bet.” Riley smirks and begins to think of someone. “So what’s for dinner?” She shakes her thoughts away.


Cassandra watches as Jessica sits at the desk in their room and grades papers. Jessica takes the glasses off of her face and that’s when Cassandra knows Jessica is done grading. For the past few days Cassandra hasn’t had much time for Jessica and she knew this was irritating for the human. But Cassandra had a job to do.

“So how is school?”

“It is better.” Jessica answers. “The police are finally gone. Everything is back to normal. Almost.”

Jessica stands and begins to peal all of her clothing off. She then mutters, “I wonder how Violet and Chloe do it.”

“What.” Cassandra pipes in. Jessica groans. That comment was only meant for her brain. She quickly slips on something comfortable and says, “It’s time for dinner.”

Cassandra sits their confused. Something was up with Jessica and honestly she didn’t have time for relationship problems.

Downstairs was even more frustrating. During dinner Jessica would only poke at her food and smile when she thinks someone is watching. She didn’t know that Cassandra could see right through her and they would be having a long conversation after dinner. Besides that Rue mostly put smiles on everyone faces. She told every one of her adventures in Arlandria and how she is becoming a very powerful witch. Surprisingly, she sat by Riley. For some odd reason she really liked Riley. However, it wasn’t surprising to Chloe and Violet because they just knew Rue was odd like that. It was kinda like the same day Rue and Violet first met. Rue knew Violet was a wolf but she wasn’t afraid but only curious.

Violet knew that Rue was up to something but she would see how it would play itself out.

“Dinner was nice and it was nice seeing you Rue.” Jessica stands. “But I’m really exhausted. I will see all of you tomorrow.”

Everyone mutters goodnight and when she is out of sight Chloe cannot help but lean over and asks, “What’s up with Jessica.”

Cassandra shrugs her shoulders and whispers back, “I don’t know but I’m about to go.”


Upstairs Cassandra strips out of her clothes when she hears the shower running. She yawns not even noticing how tired she is. But she is determine to stay up so she and Jessica can talk. Cassandra lays back and stares at the ceiling she thinks back trying to see have she done anything wrong in the pass days. It was impossible for Jessica to be mad at her. They haven’t been around each other enough for the red head human to be angry at her. Cassandra yawns again and groans. The water was still running. She closes her eyes and tries to hum to keep herself up but it was impossible. She was asleep.

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