Chapter 2:Welcome to evernight pretties!

Start from the beginning

I could see Gabriel's gaze turning red I stepped in front of him and hugged him by the waist i started humming and he immediately relaxed in my arms." She's mine dude! Meadow is my mate! Mine!" Gabriel screamed.

Meadow came out of my mates arms and ran towards us she embraced Gabriel and he buried her face on his neck. I heard the stranger huff and mutter a "whatever"

I got my arms off of Gabriel. My heart was ripped open by the way he claimed meadow as his. I was his, not her couldn't he see that? "I have to go. I'll go find our room okay bro?"I whispered in a low depressed voice.

"Yeah sure whatever" was the response i got back from him.He was too distracted with having a smiling meadow in his arms.I turned around with my head hanging low from the sadness. I slipped on my hoodie so no one could see the tears streaming down my face fluently. 'My mate just rejected me, my mate loves another that's not me' was all i could think off.As i wandered throught the crouded halls of Evernight i wandered back to that moment in where i saw my mate.'did he know i was his mate?Did he see me?' I shook my head and looked for room 208, the room the headmaster assigned Gabriel and I. Finally after thirty minutes later I found our room and got a key that was given to me in a packet when my letter came in accepting me in the school. I jumped on the right bed and sobbed my little heart out thinking'Why,why me?why cant he love me?why cant he hold me in his arms like gabe did to meadow?' with those thoughts I then let darkness take me away into my secret hidding place.


"Go and mingle mead ill go find out where our room is kay'?" Ryded told me as we were parking in the castle looking like academy.

"M'kay but be careful Ry, no whores, no getting girls numbers and no i repeat no fighting" i pleaded him as he got out the car.I hated when he got into fights, not because he got hurt no the contrary, he never got hurt he always won.I hated the savage look in his eyes when he fought, I hated how the people would look at him like a moster when he clearly wasn't.I also hated when he started flirting with the whores.I could never make proper female friends because they all either hated me or wanted to use me to get to Ry.Ryder nodded and got out the car. I opened my door and started to stretch my legs ' God that was a long ride" i thought.I felt someone stare at me and i turned around to see who it was.I was stuck in my place I couldn't move a guy around 6'3 with blue eyes and a head full of golden like colored hair.He was wearing black jeans and a black t'shirt that made his muscles very noticeable.Once i looked at his eyes i was taken of guard by how blue they were it was as if i was looking at his soul.I waved and smiled at him as i felt my cheeks flood with embaresment.'Holy shit that hot guy's staring at me!' I screamed in my mind.I then noticed a girl around 5'3 with raven black colored hair and blue eyes staring at me too.She was wearing some leggings and a weird looking v-cut shirt with a hoodie attached.Her big blue eyes were rimmed in black eyeliner.She was beautiful that was all i could say to describe her. I noticed how close they were to each other,they looked like a couple.I internaly frowned when the girl started clutching he stomach while she laughed.Once she regained her-self she grabbed his hand and walked to wards me.

" Hey, my name is Willow and this is Gabriel. Are you by any chance part angel?" She asked me with a huge smile on her face.

"I-I'm Meadow, hi.y-yes I am part angel" i stuterred.'Damn it why the hell did i stuter so not cool meadow!' I cursed at my shyness.

She then pushed us together once he grabed my arms gently so i wouldnt fall on my butt i felt tingles going up my arms running through my spine.I looked into his eyes and we both smiled and said "Mate"

I felt the girl walk away and i panicked i had to ask her"" Wait! aren't you two dating?!" i screamed at her.

She stopped and turned around she laughed and shooke her head"No he's brother yeah that's it brother" she explained to me with a huge smile upon her face.

"Who the fuck is this and why are his arms around you?!"i heard Ry scream with rage. I then felt him pull me apart from Gabriel and put his arms around my waist adn pull me against his chest.." You don't touch her! She's mine !"he bellowed.

Willow stepped infront of Gabriel and put her arms around his waist while humming a sweet little lulabye." She's mine dude! Meadow is my mate! Mine!" Gabriel screamed.

I finally got out from Ryders grasp and ran towards Gabriel. I wrapped my arms around him as soon as willow let go he nuzled his face on my neck and sighed.I heard Ryder mutter a" whatever" and walk away.

We were to caught up in our world that we didn't hear what willow told us as she walked away.I stared into my mates eyes and smiled.He carresed my cheek" you're so freaking beautiful." he whispered to me.

I blushed and took his face in my hands" and you're very handsome" i told him.

He gave me a smirk and said" awe i tough you were going to say sexy" he then pouted.He looked so adorable! He looked like a little kid and his blue eyes shined with humor in them.

I laughed and said"Nah you're not that good looking" i smirked at him when i saw his face filled with shock and adoration.

"C'mon i'll take you to your room beautiful" he told me as he took my hand. I gave him the number to the room I was sharing with Ryder.We finally found my room i thanked him and cupped his face with my hand pulling his face closer to mine.

The door suddently opened and there was a anger filled Ryder staring at us."What the hell mead?!" he shouted.

I looked at him and finally I snapped"Ryder this is my mate be nice you idiot!" i said while i slapped the back of his head.

"Ow! what the hell! you could of just said that damn it! " he exclaimed as he hissed in pain.

I looked over at Gabriel and smiled I walked towards him and wrapped my arms around his waist."This is my mate Gabe,meet Ryder,Ryder meet Gabe"I said.

They both shook hands and apoligized about earlier.Gabe said he had to go so i hugged him a kissed him good night .I kept my eyes on him until I could see him no longer.I jumped and squeeled like a little girl."I found my mate Ry! I found him!" He smiled and congratulated me.He had already taken a shower and decided to go to sleep.I took a quick shower and changed into my pink pijamas.I whispered a good night and feel to sleep dreaming about my wounderful new found mate with a smile on my face.

================================================================================================================================================================TADA!!! VOTE AND COMMENT PEOPLES!! ILL UPDATE IN A BIT PROMISE! CIAO! *winks and vanishes in thin air * O-O

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