The Secret crusade chapter one

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It’s about 7:30pm,  I’m just sitting in this club called Overworld, waiting for queen Allura this place is making my skin crawl half of them are vampire scum, not the friendliest place for a undercover Templar to be, but I’ve been in worse.

 My pint of ale's is starting to get empty. I’m halfway thinking of not getting up to get it filled. I don’t like the look of the crowd in front of the bar. I think some are a part of dawn’s sanctum I’m going to stay clear for a while.

I think they are playing a band called KMFDM I used to love them as teen they were some hardcore industrial band.

 Wonder if I should try my luck at the bathroom, maybe rack in a kill from some stray vampire. No I can’t risk it! That kind of thing could get Allura killed. I just have to wait here. Hmm there's some really good eye candy down at the dance floor to bad I’m on a mission.

I wouldn't mind showing some of those women a real nice time. I took another swig of ale and saw Allura enter. I half way didn't recognize her. Im used to seeing her in her long royal dresses with her hair down and her crown on. She has her hair in sort of a pony tail and wearing some tight fitting jeans and a short top to be honest she doesn't look bad in it. Too bad she's royalty she could never marry a commoner like me. Although, we have had a few secret romantic rendezvous, but that was during the war, when people were too busy worrying about their villages, than what royalty was doing.

She looked over at my corner both and started casually strolling my way. My heart started fluttering like it did during the war as she approached me. I tried to look business-like; she gave me that old grin that always made me feel all gooey as she sat down next to me.

I started speaking to her through are hidden hand code I told her "My lady we have massacred the necromancer lair  we had fifty kills but we lost zed old bugger finally couldn't survive anymore" she gave me a melancholy look and said "good job I'll arrange a funeral service for Zed he was a good man and a great drinker do you remember when he drank eight pints without even getting tipsy" I smiled she always was able to cheer me up I told her "hardly half of us were already on the floor after three pints and when we woke up he was still sitting up just calmly eating dinner without even ..." something in my chest ached remembering those times Zed was always like a father to me his loss just seamed to keep coming back into my mind ironic considering im supposed to be a heartless killer.

Allura  scouted on the bench and kissed me on the check and started to hug me but I told her "not now we cant risk any public displays of affection like this yet we have to make sure we are hardly noticed" she looked at me and said "all right well continue this later dear quit being so stuffy around me I love you" I told her "But I have to be no one can know about us I love you to much to lose you even if I cant hold you in my arms if I acted less so you know Edwin would get suspicious he would kill you and I cant allow that to happen" she looked at me sadly and said "yes I know I just wish.." I said "so do I my dear" 

Allura looked at me and signaled me that it’s time to exit. As usual, we made it look like a pin up and wandered off "to her place" which was actually my apartment. Where I generally got ready to hit up more clubs to investigate the vampires and necromancers, to shake down for information about their lairs. Allura usually just helped with strategies she used to help us hunt but ever since she had the "King Edwin’s" daughter, which actually is mine, Amata.

I made her quit I couldn’t risk Amata growing up without a mother. We walked to my apartment and luckily no one was there. Allura looked at me with a cheeky grin and I kissed her.  She seemed to be pleased as she continued making her way into my mouth. Why is it her that makes me get this way. I shut the door behind us.  This would be an amazing night or “mission”.

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