Chapter 25: Epilogue

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"That's not what happened. Richard killed his brother because Stephan was Evil and had plotted to switch sides." Clarissa shook her head again.

"No, Stephan was in Good. He was a prince through and through. The only thing Evil about him was the fact he was a troubled boy. Poor child." Sophie tried to keep from exploding. She had to remind herself that the old Dean had been caught in the School Master's spell for years. At least, that's what the book said.

"Was there ever a Kergy and Jerald in Evil?" she pried, trying to get something to surface. The old woman stopped in her tracks, a cold expression hardening her face.

"Oh there most definitely was. Kergy and Jerald went on to be bounty hunters. Kill whoever as long as the price is right. Here at the school, they broke into the School for Good during the Ever's Snow Ball. For fun." Sophie neared Clarissa, hoping she might get something more.

"There was another reason they broke in. They broke in to get Garth into the Ball." Dovey's demeanor lightened until she started laughing.

"A Never at a Ball? Yes, definitely." Sophie glared at the teacher.

"It's true! You've just confirmed a few of the students in this book and certain things that happened!"

The new Crypt Keeper, who had gone by Crag for most of his life, sighed as the two deans started to argue. It was as if he wasn't here, which is what usually happened. And would continue.

Crag turned back to the ground, looking at what would be his new job. Then he noticed a set of graves. He checked the list the teachers had given him, then looked back at the graves. He walked over to them to make sure he wasn't mistaken. He most definitely wasn't.

"Um, Miss Dovey and Miss Sophie?" he called in his gruff voice. The conversation was really heated now.

"Dovey, Lilac was in your class. How can you not remember?" Sophie questioned.

"I remember all of my students," Clarissa replied. "I don't ever remember a Lilac or a Garth."

"Clarissa Dovey and Sophie of Woods Beyond," Crag tried, a little louder this time.

"How do you explain this book then?" Sophie retorted, shoving the book in the other dean's face. Dovey pushed it away.

"I don't have an explanation other than you wrote it up yourself." Sophie choked.

"I could never come up with anything like this in two hours!"

"Deans!" Crag shouted. Sophie and Clarissa stopped fighting, turning to the new Crypt Keeper that they had completely forgotten about.

"Sorry," Dean Dovey apologized. "What is it you need?" Crag pointed at his list.

"If I'm doing my job right, these graves aren't supposed to be here," he said, pointing at the four graves before him. Sophie and Clarissa ran over, looking at the graves.

"Impossible," Dovey responded as Sophie knelt before the crystal coffins. "The original Crypt Keeper did his job perfectly." Sophie gasped as she looked into a boy's face, a scar over his left eye and across his right cheek.

"It's Garth," she exclaimed, moving to the next grave. Before Dovey could say a word, Sophie handed her the book, opening it up to the page with a picture of the Never prince. She wiped the dew off the coffin beside his and smiled at the freckled brunette.

The School for Good and Evil Prequel The Never Prince (fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora