York New City!

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Arrival at York New City.

Illumi was quietly getting Kalluto's suitcases from the shelves from the airplane, not noticing that Kalluto was shaking, this was her first time in a huge crowd, How will she manage it if she's always been locked up in her house clinging to her mother everyday....?

Kalluto knew this was going to be scary, but she had no choice, She wanted to find Killua as well, not seeing him for 6 years was too painful, She wondered how he has grew, She knew that he wasn't 12 anymore, 6 add 12 would mean he would be at the age of 18, 2 years older than Kalluto, But Illumi of course was turning into an old man.

She was excited but nervous because she knew Killua despised her in a way, He cared about Alluka more than her..... She wished that she /was/ Alluka instead of being herself, but who can she judge...? She hates Alluka herself since she's jealous of getting hardly any attention from Killua.........

She was daydreaming until she heard a voice shout her name, It sounded like.... Killua

No, She was dreaming! She was sure of it, Killua would never say her name out in a worried tone, It's always been like that.

Until.. "Yo! Illumi-nii!.... K-......" Killua didn't mention Kalluto's name, He was shocked to even see her in York New City, but he knew that Illumi asked him to meet here so he could take care of Kalluto... When Killua noticed she had disappeared.. For the first time he was worried about her, He looked everywhere for her but couldn't find her... He was worried that he couldn't sleep and he had to look during the night incase Kalluto was visble.

[A/N: hhhhhhhh!!!!]

As where Kalluto was, She was hiding in an alleyway, She was terrified of the dark, Silent tears were falling down her cheek until a gang of boys crowded her and decided to threaten her.... "What's a pretty babe like you doing out here...?" the first one asked, "Yeah! Why is such a hot babe like you crying?" the second one asked.... That was until blood was splattered across the wall... Kalluto quickly got on her feet and started to run for it, She saw two people getting murdered infront of her! Of course It was normal for an Assassin to see blood but... She has always hated killing people, She thought she was safe.... Until all she could see was black... She had passed out.

----- One day has passed. -----

Kalluto had finally regained conciousness, But where she woke up wasn't familiar to her, She hoped that she wasn't in the hands of someone dangerous, But what she did realise was that there was something warm underneath her, It was a bed, She was curious on how she ended up in this bed because she had made sure she wouldn't fall unconcious, that was until she heard a male voice..

"Ara Ara~ You're finally awake?..."

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