What Plans?

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I sat slumped on the cellar floor, or should say dungeon since I was trapped down here while the world changed drastically around me, I didn't know if they had caught Harry and Ron, or if both were still looking out for horcruxes, albeit without my knowledge on such things they might struggle.

A sigh escaped my lips, the world wouldn't be the same even if they managed to stay free and searching for horcruxs, even if they did complete this dangerous task Dumbledore had passed on to us and destroy Voldemort, my life still wouldn't be the same.

Being held captive by such a loone of a person did things to you, especially when so much torture was involved, mostly her favourite unforgivable curse but she used other.. more painful substitutes when she wanted, perhaps not for information like she said, but just to satisfy her sadistic urges, as one knows a crazy bitch like Bellatrix Lestrange has.

Sometimes they hurt, but I find myself numbing to their effects, Bellatrix doesn't seem to notice or maybe she does. I still scream to satisfy her though even if I want to rip her limb from limb, but she would probably be the one ripping me limb from limb.

.. And it's not just physical abuse, it's mental abuse too, sometimes I slowly find myself losing it when she does.

She screams the words over again and they spiral in my head, fiĺling the void up since I don't think about much anymore, I learned to not think when she temporarily ceased the petty name calling of 'Mudblood' and other vulgar names she knew, (which I found is quite a lot for a supposed lady, but I wouldn't blame her if I had been in Azkaban that long, I would probably be like that.) The first time she tried it.

And then.. she shrieks out her spells that she loves oh so much, first torture so I weaken, otherwise she can't get in, after the sufficient amount of torturing she says with a smirk plastered on her face, her wand raises to my head and she whispers that spell oh so gently, 'Legimens' it's like it's not her for that moment before my mind is viscously attacked by her.

I still try to throw her out of my mind, but she's too skilled and everytime I push her presence away and build up another wall, she breaks it down like it's insignificant, like me she says after she's finished violating my mind, of course she doesn't get much like aways and results to violence again, but this time with her body instead of that cruel looking wand.

Punches rained down on my face and torso, she hits bruises formed from the previous times, but doesn't stop as I groan in protest, she knows she won't get information, but she just loves to do this.

Another blow to the stomach and I dry heave since I have nothing to throw up, she practically starves me down here, but she says she loves my new look, covered in such a pretty crimson substance, my hair bushy and untamed, my eyes either black from bruises or no sleep, maybe even a combination of both, my body losing weight so fast that I looked skeletal from the first week onwards.

My ribs are pronounced the most now that it's been at least a month maybe, I lost count after she had started with the degradation of me, my clothes torn purposely of course by her, not enough skin showing apparently, so jeans had become shorts, my top had become a vest, a very short vest stopping below my bra which she had allowed me to keep and I had lost my shoes and socks straight away, so barefoot was the only option.

That's how she expects me to look, oh and be obedient as well, like a dog she made sure of that the night they escaped, carving runes along my body before sealing the collar around my neck, at first it was humiliating and itchy, but one learns to live with it as the cuts turned to scars and the collar made an imprint on my neck, her name in cursive blood red writing across it, showing everyone just who owns me now.

Sometimes others come down and stare at me through the bars for a while, casting a few torturous spells at me, I keep quiet and still as they do, for none of them can begin to touch the pain I'll feel if I do submit to them.

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