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"As a supposedly diagnosed pathological liar, people see me as a threat.

They think they're better off without me. Which may be true, but completely unnecessary.

They say I'm incurable, but what is there to cure? The abomination of exaggerations and the belief of more one truths? Like all humans do?

They see life as a train track. If you steer away from the path, you're not going to go anywhere. But I see life as an opportunity, a blank canvas to paint whatever the hell I want. And guess what? I get a new one everyday.

How do you know I'm not lying right this very moment? Well, I like to speak my mind.

That's one good thing you get out of being imprisoned with me. Thought you were the ones in control?

Think again."


PseudologiaOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant