Legend of Zelda Roleplay!

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  • Dedicated to All the Roleplayers! :D

The title says it all! I'll give the game, and start the role play, and you add on! Example:

Me: Link- *walks up to Zelda* How're you doing?

Someone else: Zelda- Good.

Me: Link- Do you wanna, uh, take a walk together?

Another Person: Zelda- *laughs* Oh, Link. I would enjoy a walk with you.

You get the jist? Good. The point is, you can start talking as a person, but other people can be that person. Now for the rules:

1) No swearing or sexual contact,

2) No cyberbullying through a character,

3) Try to stay on the game topic. Like, if your doing a Ocerina of Time roleplay, do't add any twilight beasts, or don't add Groose, etc,

4) Use Legend of Zelda characters ONLY,

5) Talk for one character at a time, meaning, don't have a conversation with yourself,

6) No text talking,

7) Don't add characters in at random moments. Try to make them fit in with what's going on,

8) Just have fun!

Now you have the rules, so roleplay on!

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