Falling for you: Chapter three

Start from the beginning

'Okay.' I said.

'Okay?' She asked.

'Yeah. I mean you are allowed to see other people.' I said.

'So you are okay with me dating. Not weird out by it.' She asked not sure.

'Yeah.' I confirmed.

'That's great.' She said clapping her hands.

'Oh he has a daughter who goes to your school.' She said.

'Really. What's her name?' I asked.


'Mom there's at least twenty people with that name that goes to Ruby Heights. What's his last name?' I said.

'Monroe.' She said and I choke on air.

I hope things aren't too serious with Michael and her because it will be too weird for Emma and Austin.

They dated when they were in Sophomore for weeks and also in Junior year for a month.

'What's wrong?' My mother asked.

'Mom, Emma Monroe. Ring a bell.' I said.

'Wha- oh no.' She said realized.

'Oh yes.'

'No.' She said while laughing. 'Things will be awkward between the both of them.'

Laughing she continued talking.

'Too bad. They'll have too suck it up.'

'What do you mean?' I asked still laughing with her.

'The both of them are coming for dinner tomorrow.'

'What?!' I screamed. All signs of laughter gone.

'Honey lower your voice, you'll wake the neighbors.' She said.

'Isn't that too fast, I mean you've been dating for-'

'Four months.' She cut me off.

'Dam- I mean wow. Four months is a long time. Lauren Evelyn White, what have you been doing for four good months?' I demanded.

'Working my butt of so you and your brother can eat and sleep comfortably.'
She replied sternly.

'Thank you for all that.'

'Where is Austin anyway?' She ask.

'I don't-' Just on queue Austin came through the door.

'Layla have you- Mom!' He looked shocked.

'Yes. Could you help Layla set the table for dinner.' She ordered him.

'She's cooking?' He whispered to me.

'Oh yes. And that's not all she dating someone.' I whispered loudly back.

'Your dating someone? When? Who?' He asked.

'Four months ago and Emma Monroe's father.' She said.

I laughed out loud while Austin had a dumb folded look on his face.

'What?' He said.

'Oh and we are having dinner with them tomorrow.' I said. Austin looked like he wanted the earth to open up and swallow him.


'And yesterday he called me saying he couldn't make it because he had to visit his grandma who was sick but on Saturday he said he had to go for a family reunion at his grandma's house?' Mia blabbed on about the date she went to in Friday with the cute pizza delivery guy.

'Mia did it every occurred to you that his Grandma maybe actually sick.' I said picking out a book to read from the selves in the library.

'Huh? I never really thought about that. I mean he has been avoiding me. I left text messages, calls, voicemails, what else does he want from me?!' She exclaimed shouting.

'Shh! We're in the library and I don't want to get kicked out from here from by Mrs Johnson.' I whispered.

'The old hag already hates us so there no point."


The remaining minutes I had left before my next class I played Dr Cupid while Mia was my patient.

The bell went off and I walked my way into the art room.

No one was here yet so I decided to complete last class work. Not a minute more the art room started filling up.
Everyone sat in their seats as our art teachers Miss Mills relaxed on her desk.

'Welcome class to the art room where everything is creative, naturalistic and imaginative.' She bobbed her head at each word she said.

She looked tired today, which is her everyday look. Her ombré hair was in its usual messy bun. She wore a printed jumpsuit with a jacket on top.

'Draw and paint anything that pops into your mind when you hear the word... M-Money. Also that note that this is to be done with your partner who is the person beside you. Start.' She sat on her chair sipping on her coffee while using her laptop.

Immediately, everyone got up and scooted closer to the person next to them. Frowning I turned to face the empty stool and canvas beside me.

Why today of all days did Emily decide to ditch school. I scanned around the room to check for anyone who was partner less and found two of them.

Grimacing at the both of them, I thought carefully. Unfortunately the first person happens to be Riley, a gothic girl. Her stare is the scariest thing in the world. It's like she's seeing deep down into your soul. Your dark dirtiest secrets.

With her looks it won't be shocking that anyone who comes up to her pees in their pants. The latter is Landon, a British exchange student. The kids a total flirt and thinks his better than anyone because his rich.

His eyes meet mine and he grins. Looks like my fates being decided already. Giving him a repulsive smile I stood up but sat down immediately when Riley glared at me.

'This ones mine.' She grunted before sitting next to him.

Sighing, I turned to the canvas and art supplies beside me.


The one word she could think of. I thought of many things I could buy with money. Like lots of cartons of Ben & Jerry's or a bacon house or even me solving the problem to end world hunger.

Going with that, I decided to make a poster about ending world hunger. Plus I know I'll get extra marks for this.

'Mr. West what are you doing in my class?' I hear Miss Mills say and I looked up shocked to see them standing at the door.

Oh no.

A few words were exchanged between them but I didn't really pay any attention just stared at them both.

I was about to continue my work when Miss Mills suddenly point at me before walking out of class. Carter looked up and smirked, gracefully walking towards me.

He plopped down at the empty seat beside me and scooted closer.

'What you got there partner?' He asked.

'Partner?' I screeched.


'You don't even take Art.' I said trying to reason why he was here.

'This doesn't make any sense.' He frowned at my work.

'It does, you don't just get it.' I said.

He ignored me and picked up a paintbrush. Dabbing it in the blue paint he made a diagonal line over my work.

'Oops.' He smirked.

'Oh Lord Jesus.' I said sighing.

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