Although the kiss was great and made me feel worthy of everything on the world, I found that I was somehow attracted to something else. Something that, I believe, was truly more beautiful and wonderful than kissing and making out.

It's the little moments you have, or what they call a transition period. Where you stop kissing and just look at each other, in awe, wondering how all this started and how much you care for that person. Your eyes meet and you can feel his soul looking right through yours and you feel like theres no one else you want to be with in the world right now other than them. They're an exception for everything and your personal one and only that you want to protect and keep for your whole life. They're yours and you feel like you want to protect and look out for whats yours, in that moment, thats how it feels like. Those magical thoughts and the abundance of care you have for a person all poured out on that one second moment you have right before you crash your lips against each other again.

Honestly, if I could bottle up this moment and live in it for my lifetime - I'd do it.

"Good luck on the test, darling," He says to me, his large hands cup both of my cheeks.

I nod in response as I give him one last kiss before heading to the final testing.

The final testing arena looked formal and simple. Nothing was set up and everything was just a room. A vast room that can echo your voice if you shout loudly. 

Liam meets me there and gives me a welcoming smile, shaking my hands lightly.

"You ready?" He asks and I hesitantly and slightly gesticulate a small nod.

"You will be put into this room, I'll be controlling it from up there," He points to the room visible on the upper floor.

"I'll just set up a bunch of tests that incorporates all of your lessons so we know that you're equipped with the right set of knowledge and know the right way to use them. Everything's just an illusion, so don't worry, if you think it's too much, we'll stop it, but we'll determine if you're alright to go on using this heartbeat monitor," He grabs an equipment and sticks in into my chest. The monitor sends beeping sounds instantly around the room, my heartbeat echoing around every inch of it.

"You ready?" He asks, but he didn't wait for an answer. He just left. Right there - on the spot like he expects me to be ready. My hand shakes and the beeps getting faster, the spaces in between them getting smaller by the second.

"Calm down, your gonna do fine."

Suddenly, the lights dim and for a split second, I couldn't see anything. Not even my own hands. Just a glimpse of black. It's felt like my eyes were closed but I knew I had them open.

In an instant, the lights turn on, but I don't see the same room - I see a cave and I hear the sounds of water flowing in it. A sound of a waterfall with a rough flow. The smell of exotic plants and the fresh green grass. The temperature altered too, it became hot and moist and water trickled from the ceiling.

Where am I?

"She's there!" A voice of a man shouts and my eyes flicker to their direction. 

Combat. This is the final testing for combat.

Before I was able to blink my eye, the mans body ran up to me - my mind didn't have time to comprehend what he looked like, but my arms instinctively moved to his neck.

Another man dashed towards me and my right knee quickly swats his right torso. 

Every movement that I performed, every inch of muscle that moved lead to the memory of combat training with Harry. I still felt his lips on my neck, my shoulders and the trigger points that he taught me about. I felt every inch of it.

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