"S-sorry Daddy."Louis stutters out whenever Liam laps his tongue over the mark before pulling away and blowing cold air on the sensitive Mark.

"Good boy,"Liam praise and kisses behind his earlobe lovingly."Your stuff will be here soon or enough,those damn men that I hired got lost, should've never trusted Ashton on hiring them for me."He grumbles as he takes his hands off of the boys waist and steps back to walk over to the walk in wardrobe to the side of the room."Follow me,"Liam instructs making Louis obey and follow the taller man into the closet.


"Yes I know that it's huge,you have been gawking that throughout the whole tour baby."Liam can't help but chuckle at the flabbergasted boy."Being a highly successful gang leader with connections has its perks."Liam smirks as he takes ahold of Louis' smaller hands.

"Well when you live in a box room until you're 17 then into a small apartment like the one I was living in, moving to live in something as big and wonderful as this house is...well overwhelming to say the least."The Doncaster lad admits pretty glum for the first part of his sentence.Liam frowns at the short confession and presses a soft kiss to Louis' forehead instead of answering.

"Well this side is all yours,"Liam gestures to the empty side of the closet they have stepped in which is to the left.There's hangers and sliding doors,and drawers and a shit ton of mirrors that Louis already thinks is kind of ridiculous.It was like living with Zayn, everywhere you turned you saw your reflection in a god damn mirror."Some of your belongings that you have brought yourself will be there, I have left some of my jumpers and hoodies in that top drawer-"

"What about pants?Underwear?You told me not to bring my own and I didn't so what am I supposed to wear?"

"First of, do not interrupt me when I am speaking Louis,"And this is bound to be like the fourth time that Louis has either spoken out of turn or addressed Liam by his name.Louis feels embarrassed and ready to cry already."And second if you wouldn't have cut me off I would've told you that all that you need are in that drawer."Liam points to said drawer."I will be taking you out shopping tomorrow or the day after for new clothes."

"N-new clothes?Are the clothes I am bringing not good enough?"Louis dares to ask.

"I only want what is best for my sub,"Liam smiles and takes off his blazer,hanging it up before he fixes the cuffs of his long sleeved shirt."Now, To the kitchen to discuss the rules?"It wasn't really a question but Louis nods anyway and follows Liam like the little lost puppy that he feels like he is.He doesn't want to slip up yet again, it is only if you can count it his official day with Liam and he really doesn't want to get punished whether that be from a spanking or being forced to listen to his worse genre of music for an hour straight.

A punishment was a punishment

Liam has given all of his workers the day off,Louis noticed that the first second they walked into the house. There was no way in hell was Liam able to look after the house by himself.As instructed to do so, Louis sits himself on one of the stools in the kitchen as Liam fetches something which Louis isn't sure what it is.

There's a jug of ice cold water sitting on the counter top beside Louis along with two glass June and Louis has already found himself distracted by the water droplets running down the sides of the jugs.He is debating which will win, the left or the right and really curse his shirt attention spam and the fact that he is already drawing a smiley face on the jug due to the condensation.

"You shouldn't do that, it stains the glass baby."Liams voice book making the boy squeak and jump,immediately taking his hand and resting them both of his lap like he just hadn't did what he was.Liam smirks as he sits in the stool beside Louis, resting a large hand on the boys thigh making him blush.

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